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Nice, I like the concept of increasing difficulty each loop. I also like the theme tie in with the minotaur trapped in the labyrinth, it's like you are both trapped within the story of good vs evil!

I definitely agree that the combat could use some refinement. Attacking in multiple directions, as well as an indicator of where the attack is hitting, would be really nice. Definitely really solid for your first entry to the jam, I look forward to seeing those improvements in your next entry!!

Thanks! Technically it should be hitting in four directions at once, but I think the collision detection for the up and down hit box are currently bugged. Will look into improving on that. I will  absolutely being participating in the next jam. I think doing a couple more solo and then I will feel comfortable enough to look for a team.

Oooh that makes sense

Nice! Yeah that's pretty much what my friend @MrDryerAtNight have been doing. Our first few jams were just as a duo but we are looking at working with more teammates for future jams. It's nice to grow your skills on a smaller team so you feel confident when working with strangers lol