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A member registered Sep 14, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! Yep that was on of our several bugs... Glad you were still able to enjoy!

Yeah, I can imagine the torus movement took a bit of doing, I'm not even sure where I would start with solving that! It works really well, y'all did great

More people need to play this game! It's so cool with such a high level of polish. I saw the kappa animation posted in the discord and thought it was cool, it's even better in game. This is really nice, and I'm impressed y'all were able to make something so complete within the jam timeline. Reminded me of Phasmophobia!

Very fun, enjoyed playing this with my gf and reading the dialogue in silly voices. 10/10

A terrifying fever dream. Nice work! Interesting visuals, the grandma reminds me of Jack Stauber videos

Very fun! And very cute story. I really liked all the sound effects. And the mini games were super intuitive so the controls didn't require any explanation. Great work!

We just discovered that bug yesterday and can't figure out what causes it :(

Unless @MrDryerAtNight figured it out

You're only the second person that it has happened to. Sorry you didn't get to play the rest! We appreciate you giving it a shot though!

Pretty cool to have to characters with different movement mechanics tackling the same level, that was fairly unique. It would be nice if for single player you could press a button to switch which character you are controlling. Lack of coyote-time feels really punishing with the human character, it's really easy to have your first jump eaten so you don't clear a gap. I also wish it didn't reset the whole level when one character dies, and would just reset that character instead, but maybe that would make it too easy.

Over all I think the idea is really cool, but maybe some numbers could be tweaked to make the platforming a bit easier or more consistent. Nice work!

Fun little platformer! Definitely a few variables you could tweak to make it a bit smoother. Character is really fast for how zoomed in it is. There was one section where you had to descend a hill and dodge spikes that was kind of difficult because of the camera, you can't see very far below you. Over all fun though!

Neat core mechanic, reminds me of DS games from when I was a kid! Fun progression as well

Nice, I really like the narrative breaks between loops, each one felt really unique. The actual mechanics are simple but offer a lot of depth! It took me a second to realize that the fertility levels of tiles in future loops could be increased based on where you place things, that's a really cool touch. Also love the music! Very peaceful

Nice! Really solidly built tactics game. I did find that when everyone but the wolf died (I'm bad at tactics games) and I used the disguise ability, the enemies wouldn't take a turn and I was soft-locked. I assume they aren't finding a valid target so they aren't making a move. Also I couldn't figure out how to generate more mana, so once I was out I was stuck punching everything, not sure if that was intended or just a skill issue again on my part lol.

Love the music, graphics are nice, and the story idea is really neat. Good job!

Wow, I love the level design! The way the player is locked to a 2D plane is really cool, gives it a storybook vibe. I also like the general aesthetic of the island. There were some blurry and stretched textures that could be fixed, but that's a minor nit-pick. The story is very cute and so are all the characters! The chicken card game scene was funny, though I was expecting them to cheat and maybe switch some of the cards around, so I was watching extra closely for anything to get swapped haha

Nice, really cool interpretation of the transfer takeover wildcard. It would have been cool if you got more powerful across generations or something, that way you are less likely to kill the dragon on the first or second loop. Or maybe some other aspects of the level change between generations as well. Over all though a really cool idea

Wow, very nice! The spooky visuals are really effective, especially the train people. Would love to see more endings if you continue! I really liked how stuff like the fan caused the level to change the next time I played, really good use of the wildcard. The subway set design is simple but really effective, the lighting and all the artwork really help evoke a creepy and uncanny sort of feeling.

What a terrible fate for an afterlife! Running in terror from your enemies for eternity! lol

Jokes aside, really cool concept for a game. The torus is such a cool world design, and the book popping up with little updates is super cool. I completed 3 or 4 loops around the torus and was a little disappointed that there weren't any new cards to choose on subsequent loops, it would have been cool to see more variety there, and it would encourage players to keep going. That being said it was still pretty fun and the idea in general is really cool and has a lot of potential. The intro cutscene and the music loop do a lot to enhance the mood of the game, almost feels somber. I feel bad for our hero Kjellaug

Nice, short and sweet with some nice pixel art and good ambient sound! Definitely wish it had been a bit longer with some more variety. I would also recommend making the attack a little bit larger so you don't have to be nearly touching them in order to damage them. Otherwise a very nice start to an atmospheric platformer

Wow! Seriously some of the best pixel art I've seen in a while. The character is so expressive and the environment is so cool! I only wish it were longer but understandable given that it's a jam game. As it stands there is a lot of cool enemy variety. Lots of fun, great work

Very cool idea, looks great and the sound design is nice as well, over all the tone is super polished. Gameplay is a little bit lacking, I wish there was more to do that didn't cost gold, and the night is a bit too long so there is a lot of waiting. Seems like y'all had more planned but didn't have time, which is very relatable haha. Over all a really cool idea and really cohesive in terms of tone

Nice, pretty slick platforming with some hiccups as others have said. I agree that the wall jump feels a bit tight to pull off. A lot of the level sections look like it would be perfect to wall kick your way up but the way the walls are spaced makes it really tedious, and gravity is so high that it is really punishing to try and climb.

That being said I think this is really cool in concept. I enjoyed playing through the levels twice and checking out the different path options, but it gets really challenging on the 3rd loop. This would be super fun if the platforming were just a bit more polished, it would be cool to see how far you could get and how fast you can complete each loop.

Seriously good start though, most of these complaints boil down to changing a few variables until everything feels right, so this is on track to be really fun

Wow this game is so cool. This is my favorite type of game to find when I'm trying to kill time on this site lol. The graphics are really nice, very consistent visuals. Very ominous vibes.

The puzzles are definitely challenging, and there were some parts where I made progress without really realizing what I had done right, but that's probably just mistakes on my end.

Really cool and super fun, one of my favorites!

Oooh very nice, I'll have to check it out post jam!

Thanks for playing! We were leaning towards more of a "Make it spookier/Make it more epic" choice in the dialogue where the "epic" changes would be stuff like lifting boulders to clear a path and that sort of thing, more like feats of heroism by the player. But yeah, not enough time, so the jokes are really just a placeholder

You should check out the ProtonScatter add on, that's what I used to place trees in our game. Granted I was pretty lazy with it so the results aren't super great. But you can place boxes where your scatter items will spawn, and boxes where they aren't allowed to spawn, so you could easily block them from spawning in the road. And you can set it up so that they are randomly placed, with random orientation, and even random scale within a range so they are all slightly different heights. Super helpful for placing scatter, I would have gone crazy if we had to hand place everything lol

Yep, definitely understand that. We had the same issue, wanted to have several branching paths but ended up with a couple of linear choices. It's so easy to get overly-ambitious lol. But it always just makes you better for the next jam!

Thanks for the feedback!

As for the granular choices, you are 100% right that it was a time constraint. We had much grander ambitions of having multiple branching paths but couldn't quite get there. Your forest loop was probably identical on loop 3 because you selected a joke during the campfire scene. It keeps the loop the same instead of changing it. The original intention was to have a second option (make the journey spookier/make the journey more epic, something along those lines).

We learned a lot with this one and were able to get more done than in our previous jams, so we are really looking forward to our future projects!

Very nice, I agree that we definitely took the prompt in similar directions! Your variations are very solid, the changes are very noticeable and the loop is short enough to play many times over. Highlights for me were definitely the rocket-ox and getting blasted across the lake by the goose lol, was not expecting either of those.

Really liked the visual style, especially the campfire scene, amazing pixel art there.

Very cute! I loved the graphics, very consistent visual style. The puzzle mechanics are really simple to understand but the puzzles themselves are challenging enough to be interesting. You introduced new mechanics at the perfect pace, and the game ended before getting stale. Great work

Nice, pretty fun! I know the assets are just placeholders but I love that you shaped the godot jpg into a fist lol

It's super easy to just hold fire out and whip it around the screen and keep everything at bay, so it might have been nice to include like a timer or something to limit it. Would also be nice to see additional attacks or something as you gain more worshippers. That being said using the 2 abilities you have to kill a bunch of bugs is undeniably pretty satisfying

Wow, very ominous and spooky vibe. Just the fog and sound design alone do so much! I really like the whole look of everything. I would definitely suggest some more variety in the terrain/cactus, or even fewer cactus, since having so many of them takes away from the desolate feeling. Other than that though you nailed the vibe perfectly. Love the opening monologue and the characters as well. Very interesting entry, thanks!

Fun! Loved the aesthetic, all the little details in the foreground were very cute. Music was great as well. I wish there had been more enemy variety leading up to the boss, and more attack variety for the player as well. It was just starting to get stale by the time the boss came in and spiced things up. Over all though very impressive, super polished for a jam entry.

Couldn't load the game in Firefox but switched to Chrome and loaded no problem.

Loved the animations and overall aesthetic! Great start for a little dungeon crawler. I liked the ghosts blast attack and thought the little mana recharge gauge was cool. My only real complaint so far is that the music gets to be a little bit grating after the first few loops. Otherwise it was cool, hopefully you keep working on it!

Very cool! Super unique puzzle mechanic, and the lighting effects look really nice. I did have some issues pushing some of the statues around, they seem to get stuck in some places. But I still had a lot of fun solving the puzzles. Nice work and good visual polish.

Nice work, fun but simple platforming. I was worried the background was going to just be gray until it scrolled up and I got to see the beautiful mountain!

I managed to beat it damageless! Unfortunately that was because after my first death my healthbar never reset... It stayed at 0 so if I took any damage I died instantly

Sounds like a fun game but like others have said we have no idea how to play... Tag me if you end up adding a description because I'd love to give it another try

Nice, really interesting control scheme, and a great idea to interpret into a game. Unfortunately I couldn't really figure out how to kill the hunters without them shooting me

Love the aesthetic and atmostphere, and the use of wildcards was very cool. I loved the level design and the way you slowly introduced new mechanics, very well done! Seriously good

I did get softlocked once here at the part where you have to jump over some spikes to hit a lever that drops a box (Sorry, tried uploading a screenshot but it wasn't working). I had previously died on those top spikes and the body fell down, blocking me from being able to push the block out to escape. I couldn't quite reach the spikes to die. Maybe add a way to reset in case you get yourself stuck?

!!! Wow, that's not something we encountered in testing haha

Glad you had fun though lol

(1 edit)

Oh no, there are variations between runs, I'm sorry you didn't get to see any. During the dialogue scene you have to choose to make the story more interesting, currently telling a joke doesn't change the loop. Glad you liked the narrative though, thanks for the feedback

Nice, that was pretty fun! The enemy variety is really cool, each of them having a different weakness is a nice touch.