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Here's a really good setup for all farmable items (excluding yeast/pumpkins) I've been using that reduces lag by a lot. It's repeatable as well (you can make it longer).

Basically what happens is the item automatically goes into an iron chest. It doesn't create an item in the world so it reduces lag by a lot. The only thing you need to make sure you do is place the filter funnels in the right order. If you place the funnel going from an iron chest to another iron chest before you place the funnels that go from an iron chest to a planter, it skips the planter. I'll definitely post more setups I've just been busy with school. Haven't really experimented that much with the new items but definitely will when I get the time.


Using chests instead of conveyor belts makes so much sense! Can't believe I didn't think of that.


Yeah I've been using a lot of hovering hands and iron chests instead of conveyor belts. Some of my earlier saves used mostly conveyor belts, and I had some performance issues. This was before the Bee Update but I'm assuming some of the issues would still be there.

I also have a design for pumpkins/yeast that y'all can use I just have to build it first.