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Cool start to a space shooter.. or maybe just a space drifter? Good work on the 8-directional sprite rotation! Once i got used to the movement sensitivity I was able to actually steer it and collect some points with some control.

Since it's just a demo right now, I'd recommend setting a few parameters for the player like minimum/maximum positions so it's not possible to drift off screen at least. Then it's like a sandbox to learn the controls without accidentally going out of bounds as you learn them.

I'm really curious where you can take this idea further. The "space coffin" premise is really intriguing and creative. I don't think it's ever been done before!

Btw if you hold R down, you can get a cool effect with a wave of points!


Thank you for the praise! I really do enjoy the idea so far as well. 

I do want to make a sort of isometric ship game with this movement, so I'll consider those additions you mentioned. 

Thank you also for hosting!! <3 It was fun to learn new things with this jam.