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This is really polished with a really nice-feeling moveset, but I do have a couple of gripes with the level design. The sheer size of the map leads to a lot of running around, especially towards the end when you have to look for the final few rocks if you missed any. Having to drop off high places to get to certain areas also means repeatedly having to run back to and scale that same high place , which leads to further repetition. In tandem it makes the level design feel like a lot of filler, and I would have appreciated a smaller and more dense level instead. That's really the only problems I had though, everything else is great!

Thank you for trying it out. The gameplay loop is quite bare-bones here. I intended for players to rage quit and discover Ending 1, but I underestimated their playstyles. So, the game feels repetitive and boring.

Anyway, appreciate the feedback. I see more room for improvement now.