Not sure if i broke the intended way to play the game. But I can actually double jump for example with space + up in a quick succession to go through what should be impossible to jump obstacles like in the level "Go get that spike". I was able to just double jump that obstacle and go straight for the flag. I don't know if that was intended but it was SO MUCH FUN to figure out :)
I really like how clean everything is, I'd argue the precision needed sometimes could warrant just a tiny bit smaller hitbox for the character, but it's a lot of fun and there's a lot of interesting ways to play here.
I love what you did with the theme too, and I find that it would be neat overall to always have 2 ways of dealing with levels, one where you do use the death mechanic to progress, and another more flawless one where you have to be ultra precise but can still do the whole thing without dying and by using that "hidden" double jump mechanic to get some kind of reward at the end (a medal, a flag that explodes in a way bigger way to show the player he did something cool).
Lot of cool things to be done here, the concept is neat and can keep growing for sure <3