The game probably needs a mouse sensitivity option, when you look up, you can see the cropped hand of the cat, maybe make it longer?
The Mafia Gang text bothers me, maybe there's a nicer way to indicate the player where to go?
If you stick to a building and spam space, you gain a lot of speed, and i mean a lot, you are sent flying and can see the whole map.
There are some buildings that are levitating.
There aren't any invisible walls to prevent the player from getting out of the map, so you can go and fall forever since your position doesn't get reset after falling to the void.
Good thing is that if you go to the tutorial you don't lose progress.
Also, i noticed that the raining effect disappears when you are in a high place.
Since there isn't a stamina bar it would be cool to have an always running option.
I think you should make the guns vibrate a little to make the player feel the force of the shooting.
The boss can get stuck in trees, making the fight easy, also if you touch the red lights inside the zones your view will get all red.
Overall a pretty nice and enjoyable game despite its flaws.