Something very strange happened to me most times I started a level (either in the Arcade or Story mode). The mech would immediately fall to the ground with me looking up the sky unable to move from this position. Sometimes restarting the level a couple of times would work but in some occasions, even after many restarts I'd still remain with the mech lying helpless on the ground.
When I managed to get the mech to work the gameplay was fine. It's been a while since I played a mech game so I don't really have a reference but the areas were interesting to navigate and the enemies' behavior seemed well programmed at this stage. They efficiently pursued me wherever I went but were usually easy to deal with when coming from within the cockpit view. When they approached me from behind I had trouble positioning myself to avoid damage. Getting shot from the back was usually how I died.
Appart from the bug I reported above (which could be related to my own computer but I haven't experienced this with anything else), I had a good experience with the game considering it's at such an early stage.