I found exactly what was causing this. While playing your game I had my "unofficial" PS4 controller plugged in which I use sometimes to test my game. While I didn't use it while playing yours, just having it there plugged in caused the mecha to fall immediately nearly everytime.
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Something very strange happened to me most times I started a level (either in the Arcade or Story mode). The mech would immediately fall to the ground with me looking up the sky unable to move from this position. Sometimes restarting the level a couple of times would work but in some occasions, even after many restarts I'd still remain with the mech lying helpless on the ground.
When I managed to get the mech to work the gameplay was fine. It's been a while since I played a mech game so I don't really have a reference but the areas were interesting to navigate and the enemies' behavior seemed well programmed at this stage. They efficiently pursued me wherever I went but were usually easy to deal with when coming from within the cockpit view. When they approached me from behind I had trouble positioning myself to avoid damage. Getting shot from the back was usually how I died.
Appart from the bug I reported above (which could be related to my own computer but I haven't experienced this with anything else), I had a good experience with the game considering it's at such an early stage.
Thanks! As for telegraphing the moves, I made it a bit easier with the other enemies but the boss I left out entirely because I thought it would make him too easy(*).
(*) Perhaps I shouldn't say it but like every reasonable boss, Murasaki has a weakness. His close range attacks are, as you say, almost impossible to block (unless you try your luck, which you can since repeatedly blocking consumes little mana) but if you [[[spoiler alert]]] keep your distance from him, he can only use 2 attacks, one should be avoided and can open him briefly to attack if aren't too far, the other is telegraphed very clearly depending on your distance and, once blocked, leaves him open to a sequence of combos (both linking normal attacks and cancelling normals with specials) which when done several times should be enough to destroy him.
Thanks for the feedback brimstonewalker! I'm glad you enjoyed it and I'll work to make the experience even better in the future. BTW I watched your archived streams on Twitch for Shobatsu and the other games. I think you did great and your streams help both the developers and the players a lot so I hope to see more from you in the future.
Thanks a lot for the feedback and for the video, chilly! The information provided is essential for improving the gameplay and other features. And congratulations for learning to play so well despite the serious imbalances of the game. Rest assured there will be more Beta releases in the future as the game evolves.
Thank you for the feedback! I understand what you mean as I often test my game on the keyboard as well. I'll see what I can do to place the keys in a more confortable position but, since I need significant space in the keyboard for testing the second player in the co-op mode, the final configuration will probably remain a bit awkward.
Ideally this game, like most fighting games, should be played with a controller for the best experience.
Thanks! There will be big enemies that don't get stun-locked at all among other troublesome types. Combos can be longer than 3 hits if you use any random combination of weak and strong attacks (also need to be timed correctly - button mashing always ends with the same "fail" attack that pushes the enemy away).
I like this type of look and vibe and the gameplay is very unique, I've never seen anything like it in fact, it gets a lot of practice to get movement right and I am not there yet but I'll keep trying.
My only problem was with the performance. My computer is not very fast but it usually handles 2d games with no issues. The literal mounds of bullet casings and the way this is handled seems to be what is causing this issue.
Overall, a very promising game!