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Like last time I just spend the entire time in Sights view, it would be good if the C for free look toggle would work in that mode too as it is much easier to use. Though it does mean you end up either circle strafing or long range sniping. The camera orientation also really needs smoothing on gradient changes, it’s way too sharp right now.

On the second level I could easily snipe all the buildings and the tanks in the second base with the 47mm from a great distance and they wouldn’t react. Probably if a shell lands near them they should become active and at least try to evade.

I tried the second level with the crunchsader and got worn down by bullets. The APHE shells do a lot less damage which makes sense for a smaller gun but their little baby firing arc also means you have to charge in super aggressively to get into range (I believe the real crusaders had to do that too, lol).

I really like the repair mechanic, its nice and simple without resorting to a health bar, and having to do the minigame is really tense when you’ve still got cannons shooting at you.

Thanks for playing and thanks for the feedback!

Most players seem to agree that the third person feels off, so I'll try to figure out exactly what's wrong and make it much more usable, that seem to be the main problem right now.
Free cam for for sights would only work if it also made the model transparent and I guess that's doable but I prefer it this way, both aesthetically and because I want it to give the player a bit of tunnel vision.
Hopefully a better third person cam will eliminate that problem.

Probably if a shell lands near them they should become active and at least try to evade.

Yeah infantrymen in particular need a lot of work, right now the best they can do is call for reinforcements.

I tried the second level with the crunchsader and got worn down by bullets.

That's the reason why I went for the energy shield for the player tank: the modular armor plates are very inconsistent when AI is shooting at you, there's always the chance of max-range shells or infantry volleys disabling treads, wheels or getting a lucky penetration and one-shotting you. The unlockable enemy tanks are not really meant to be viable or balanced, it's more of a novelty for people who wanted to play more of the game after finishing the demo.

Thanks again for the feedback!