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(1 edit)

Hello again :) I think you said last time that you were using Chrome, have you tried on another browser to check if it solves the issue?

Are you on mac or Windows? Because it seems to work fine on my Windows on most browsers, but I looked on the Internet and I've read that there is an issue on macOs when compiling Godot4 web games... 

Someone said they waited for 10+ minutes on firefox (mac) and then the game appeared so you can also try to wait for longer on firefox if the game finally compile.

I also saw someone saying that opening the game in a new tab fixed the issue.

Let us know if it does not work, maybe someone else knows a better solution :)

yeah, I asked last time, but I think we came to the same solution unfortunately. I'm using macOS, so I think the newer ones just don't work.

Yes I don't really see a solution unfortunately :/ you're condamned to play non-Godot games until this issue is fixed or people find a workaround ^^'