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Amazing concept, spectacular visuals, ambitious control scheme... which unfortunately felt like the weak point, and makes it feel quite awkward to control, a little bit QWOP-ish. The dash mechanic in particular felt unintuitive - pressing backwards to dash forward and vice versa?

Loved all the particle effects, the really nice bloom shader, and the sound designs were great. The bloody explosion was amazing :D

Needs a retry button after though because this game definitely makes you want to try again and master the controls! Having to exit out and refresh disrupts the flow.


Yeah, I apologized for this in another post. Due to a lack of time, many features, even some obvious ones, were near impossible to implement. Though we’re very glad to hear you, and if enough people request it, we might do a quality of life update.

(1 edit) (+1)

Also the controls were kinda supposed to be challenging. I admit, they are definitely not satisfying, so I also apologize for that. We’ll do better next time, since many people criticize the way we made them.