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Exotreus (Redshot)

A member registered May 07, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the honest reply. I’ve been asking around a bit recently, and I think we’ll be making a post-jam version of the game. If you feel like checking that out once it’s done, we’d really appreciate it :)

Very unique and creative idea for a game. I don’t think I’ve seen anything like this in the jam yet. Very interesting to play around with and although low detail, everything works together aesthetically. Nice work :)

I love the artstyle and sound effects. It was a bit difficult to understand what’s going on at the beginning, but I quickly got the hang of it. The game could have more mechanics, but it’s a jam game, so I can’t complain here. Very nice

Although the movement was very difficult to get good at, it was a very neat experience. I love the artstyle and the sound effects you put here. Very well done :)

I absolutely love how the game looks. Controls were fine to me, and it was a fun experience to go through. Well done

No, I get it with the ship. It was a bit too minimalistic, so I made it way too detailed. Went from bad to worse honestly. Glad you pointed that out mate, thanks for the review :)

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Really good use of colorblocked models. I love how funky everything you made here is. Very nice idea for a game, could use some more features (did not impact my rating), but still, as others mention, I admire pulling off a 3d game in a jam regardless of what it is. Well done, I love it :)

We’re really glad you liked it, thank you :)

In the 40-ish games I rated so far this one did the best. Simple graphics and the simple music fit together very well. The limitation is used perfectly, the concept is amazing and well built upon, and although I gave up at some point during the desert (part with 4 levers and 4 doors), the game was really fun to play and interesting to see what you could come up with. Extraordinarily well made, amazing job. Keep this up :)

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A bit too simple for my liking, but I had fun playing. It’s a shame that 11x game speed is the fastest it can go (I think so, at least. I reached 18K and it hasn’t changed since 10K), because the background freaks out more the higher you go. I’m biased on the graphics as I’m practically addicted to meat, and the music fit the game well. Good job

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Altough a little bit unfinished (this didn’t affect my rating), it was really fun to play all the way through. I don’t know what else to say, honestly. Decent, fun, satisfying game, I didn’t even encounter any bugs or glitches. Very well done

Very creative gameplay and I’m really happy that it has 7 levels. My team and I tried it simultaneously, and we had a real fun time doing so. Well done :)

Incredible potential for a full release. The physics are the best I’ve seen in the jam so far, it was really satisfying to do nearly everything in the game. Very well made, nice work

Very creative concept and it’s used really well here. Obviously, reminds me of lavaboy and watergirl with the neutral shooter things. The pixelart to me is very nice, and works well with it’s animations. Good job bro

Had a good time playing this one. Challenging, yet fun to play. I think you got the balance just right. Well done

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Believe me, if not for the time limit, I’d absolutely update the game with a restart mechanic. It really drags down many of the reviews, so I’ve learned my lesson. Thanks for the review, glad you enjoyed our game :)

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Cool concept, amazing visuals and very well polished. I did not quite get why there is a heating option, maybe I missed something or haven’t played the game far enough, but that did not impact my rating. It’s clear this is not the first game you’ve made, and I believe it to be a top 5 in this jam for me. Loved it thoroughly, great work

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Thanks a lot for all the info. We get a lot of somewhat negative opinions on the movement, but that was to be expected. I knew from the start while proposing the floaty system to be painfully slow that some wouldn’t like it (it was stupid in the first place, I admit), but I can assure you that this aspect will get better as we learn from mistakes. In terms of the clock, it is the most rushed part of the game. I implemented it while nearly falling asleep on my chair the last day we worked on it.

I share the same feelings towards you guys’ game. The idea for it came up randomly in a conversation about joining the jam, got a bit polished, and then we rolled with it. Anyways, thanks a lot for the feedback :)

Thanks for speaking the truth, we appreciate it :)

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Very nice and pleasant graphics, but it’s way too dificult and reaction time reliant for me to really enjoy it. Again, great visuals, I agree with everyone else. Nice work

Not what I meant. In your case the fact that they feel stiff is almost good. Makes the game feel more fast paced than it is. If you really need a tip to make it flowier, opt to using a rigidbody (or the equivalent of that, I forgot what engine your game runs on) over position changes. You can add a bit of stiffness to the movement, and it will feel more like outer space. But don’t worry, your controls are good, I phrased it wrong is all :)

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Also the controls were kinda supposed to be challenging. I admit, they are definitely not satisfying, so I also apologize for that. We’ll do better next time, since many people criticize the way we made them.

Yeah, I apologized for this in another post. Due to a lack of time, many features, even some obvious ones, were near impossible to implement. Though we’re very glad to hear you, and if enough people request it, we might do a quality of life update.

Thanks a ton, we appreciate it :)

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Very pleasant experience. I love the sound effects, the short mario-esque cutscenes, everything is made very nicely. Also, most of my team absolutely loved the experience, so I say very well done :)

Love the animations and artstyle. Had a real fun time playing this one, well done.

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I love the wacky nature of the game, especially the credits page. Some parts of the game are a bit janky, but you can’t not expect that from a jam game. Very nice work you guys.

Thanks a lot for the feedback mate, we’re glad you liked it so much

Amazing sound effects and music, great UI, everything works together perfectly and upgrades are very nicely balanced. Definitely a top 5. Breautiful.

Very enjoyable and challenging. Very well rounded in most terms, no bugs, nice work.

Overall a very enjoyable bullet hell-ish arcade game. All sounds work very well together (a death sound would be nice, first few times I haven’t noticed I lost) and though the controls are very sharp and rigid, they make a satisfying experience. Nice work.

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Everything was quite nice to me, but when you turn for a little too long the drill freaks out and spins faster than a black hole, causing almost assured death within a few seconds. I think you could implement a rotation speed limit to get rid of this issue. Well done overall

I really enjoyed the simple, weird graphics of the enemies, especially the logs. The music really adds to the game’s goofyness, which is a good thing in my opinion. This might be an issue on my end, but killing enemies was just not working at all. If you could explain what’s causing this, I’ll give it a second look and tweak my rating. Not amazing objectively, but I enjoyed it. Nice work :)

No, it’s purely our fault. The timer should flash or grow a bit while you’re in the final cooking stage, but it was 1 am and I just couldn’t put myself through that with the amount of time I chipped through every day. Most of the necessary mechanics like a pause screen or restart weren’t there simply due to lack of planning ahead and bad time management on my end. Glad you enjoyed it tho, it’s our first full release ever :)

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Very satisfying to play besides a few bumps here and there (like no punishment for spamming, doing that makes the game extremely ease), graphics look very nice all the way through, including the start screen. The limitation wasn’t really implemented, but overall, great work.

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The cutscene at the start was very humoric and it’s choppiness only added to that. Overall, I didn’t quite enjoy the gameplay loop, but the graphics work well with the idea and presentation. Very nice.

Very nicely made and creative, nicely inspired by Slay the Spire. It took a while to understand that the first card is played on one monster, the second on the other, but other than that, the gameplay and graphics work really well together. Though the limitation isn’t used creatively, it didn’t lower any of the other criteria, obviously. Great work.

Very nice, satisfying pixelart graphics, clear and understandable combo system (projectiles growing over clicks per second), excellent use of the limitation and great, chill sound effects (and music). Very well done