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I am in LOVE with the art style and the sound design of this game. The vibes are just IMMACULATE. The game itself was so much fun too, if not a bit short :(

It feels like there could be so much more explored with this concept! My only concern was when the elementals died and their re-spawn point was off-screen, it felt like random chance whether they would make it back or get hit by some obstacle and die on their way back. In general, micromanaging them alongside your character wasn't the most fun thing in the world.

P.S I was curious about what collecting all the orbs did since I'm not sure if it changed anything, but now I read in the comments that there's a fourth collectible easter-egg so it looks like I've got to go back in!

Thank you so much!! :)

I appreciate the feedback about the elementals, that was indeed a flaw that I wasn't able to iron out for this... perhaps ecaroh could re-summon them? Hmm.. that could bypass obstacles with ease, though... I'll have to brainstorm this one!

As for the orbs - that was another quick last minute addition just to add a little side quest to the game. There's actually more than 4 easter eggs out beyond the horizon... But they currently don't serve any real purpose. I think if I expand the game, they will act like Mario's stars or Banjo & Kazooie jiggies, to unlock doors that require a certain amount!

(1 edit)

Been thinking some more and I think you definitely brought up a good point of the controls. While this jam's limit was a fun challenge to experiment around, I think I'm going to rework the controls to be more like "The Lost Vikings" where you swap between characters, and then control each one with WASD/Arrows.

So thanks again for bringing that up in your review!  I think this will feel a lot better