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A member registered Aug 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hahahaha I love the reference! Thanks for playing and the constructive criticism; I totally see what you mean about the movement and will update it to be faster once the jam is over!!!

I'm glad you enjoyed the game! And the hardcore puzzles are what make it a "quest" ;)

The rest of the friends would like to thank you and say it's the thought which counts ;)

Thank you! I was really worried about making the puzzles not completely trivial, so I'm glad to hear you enjoyed them!

Haha thank you, our artists were amazing at capturing the cuteness!!! Yeah I've noticed the movement can be a bit slow as other commenters mentioned. I'll definitely push a patch for it once the jam is over

If I'm not missing anything, you just click on any combination of 4 objects and get a toy made out of it? I think the art fit the game well, but could definitely use some more mechanics or cohesion!

(Please let me know if I'm missing something!)

Such a fun game with great vibes. Super fun to just chill, relax, and stack! Watching 3D physics bodies interact is just great and your implementation is so much fun!!! Additionally fits the theme really well!

I found through trial and error most pieces were not suitable for building a giant tower. I came to optimize my tower with just single boxes (truly pillars of the nation) as another commented mentioned. Unfortunately my hubris was my downfall and I didn't make it to the top. One of the last known images pre the Great Dumpster Tower Collapse.

Holy! What an impressively stunning game for a game-jam!!! The controls also felt extremely fluid and deliberate with an interesting gameplay loop. The way the game encourages you to go fast is just awesome design. But my favourite thing of all has gotta be those visuals, just incredible! Highly recommend giving this game a look! (Maybe add some screenshots?)

Seems like a cool game with a fun idea, but I still don't fully get how the combat works. Also my latest run is stuck here and I'm not fully sure why? I clicked on one of the reds but it wouldnt let me attack so i kept clicking on them and still couldn't attack. Definitely an awesome concept though, I can see exponential damage rising being super fun!!!

Ecaroh back at it again with another absolute banger. Such a fun little game and the new game + options are pretty interesting too!!! Super impressive that this level of polish was finished within the time-frame of a gamejam.

The only criticism I could find is that the green spikes enemy can stun-lock you and hit you twice depending where you land on it, but that is probably just a skill issue on my part. A way to remap controls would be nice too!


I love beating my fish till they make funny noises! 10/10

Really fun, but very difficult! Could use adjustment to projectile speed, wider camera, or even removing damage when colliding into enemy ships so focus is only on avoiding projectiles?

Really fun and well made game! Could use a bit more clarity when things get hectic and maybe a small nerf to parrying (and maybe dashing?) since it was pretty easy to get through without any damage

The acceleration of the character makes traversal very awkward. For example, the steps on a set of stairs are too short to get to full speed and it's necessary to climb up many of them in a row which highlights the problem. I don't think the slow acceleration is necessarily a problem, though it does make the player feel less responsive, but I would recommend building the levels in such a way to complement this design decision if it was intentional!

Reply to my comment when it's fixed please, I wanna give it a shot!

Beating Level 7 took me way way way way way too long TwT
That was a really fun game though with a lot of cool ideas!!!

P.S. "W" works with the W key and key, but the other A S D don't seem to do the same


Cool idea! I definitely think I can see what you were going for, but definitely struggled to understand all the mechanics. Could use some more time in the oven, but could be something great!

P.S. You can just spam jump and beat the game at a ridiculous speed

Cute game for your first try! It seems most of my criticisms are already in the comments so I'll add that a background during the level, some sound effects for jumping/dying, and a better title screen would go a long way in making the game look that much more compelling!

Speaking for myself, I crashed as soon as the jam deadline hit and all the adrenaline/caffeine faded lol. I'll get around to rating soon and I'm sure others will too!

Thank you for your criticism and for trying our game!

It was definitely something discussed very early on which we moved back and forth on throughout the development. We really wanted diagetic tutorials, but I agree it would definitely benefit from clearer indicators for certain things.

Thanks for your comment! 

Haha yes, we decided that it was better for puzzles to be too easy rather than too hard for this jam! 

And I'm glad you enjoyed the death sound hehe :P

Cute game with cozy art; The limitation is pretty clever too!

Really cute game! Similar to the one my team made lol (Great minds think alike?). The pieces affecting both sides is an awesome, clever mechanic that adds a lot of depth!

Awesome game! Visuals and music were both great! Unfortunately I got stuck on the first level despite many attempts. I think latency calibration is almost always a must for rhythm games but I also understand that it may have been hard to implement in a 3 day jam. The game itself feels like steam release level quality in my eyes though the implementation of the limitation was a bit unimaginative.

Surprised this one has so few comments and ratings. It deserves many more!

I... don't really understand the point of the game? I see there's a two minute timer but I don't understand what the slider does. Moving it to the right just beats both levels? Very janky with what looks like lots of placeholder assets, but we all have to start somewhere! I'm sure your next game will be even better :D

No need to apologize, there's the base of a great game here! I'm sure your next game will be even better :D

Can't say it was the most unique or polished game this jam, but it did manage to make me waste some time on it  trying to get a high score ;)

I didn't play the game due to the fact that it requires you to run a "setup" file. If it's not actually a setup, and just an .exe for your game, I'd recommend renaming it! Otherwise, see if you can release the game without needing a setup executable because it turned at least one player off from giving the game a shot. I'd love to give the game a chance :)

I am in LOVE with the art style and the sound design of this game. The vibes are just IMMACULATE. The game itself was so much fun too, if not a bit short :(

It feels like there could be so much more explored with this concept! My only concern was when the elementals died and their re-spawn point was off-screen, it felt like random chance whether they would make it back or get hit by some obstacle and die on their way back. In general, micromanaging them alongside your character wasn't the most fun thing in the world.

P.S I was curious about what collecting all the orbs did since I'm not sure if it changed anything, but now I read in the comments that there's a fourth collectible easter-egg so it looks like I've got to go back in!

I don't really understand the game fully and how each totem reacts to each color? I interacted with a totem while blue and the top gate opened while interacting as red opened the bottom gate. This would be fine but both of the gates were blue gates? What's the point of the gate colors?  [It's totally possible I'm just dumb and missing the point so please let me know if that's the case!!!!!]
Interaction ranges also seem to be either too long or too small causing issues since the only method of rotation is also interaction (multiple times where I thought I was far enough to rotate and I ended up interacting instead).

In general I didn't feel like rotation/activation restriction led to any meaningful addition to gameplay and just felt like clunky controls.

I feel like if I understood the mechanics more and it was more consistent the actual puzzle design would be fun to experience. The art was really cute!!!!

Unfortunate that the restriction wasn't implemented, but it was a nice little puzzle game with cute art. I think the level itself could be better designed as I never felt that "aha" moment, but instead just went back through explored tiles and got more + points whenever I started to get stuck. Additionally having more levels or even randomly generated ones would be nice!

It's a cool idea, but I feel like the execution was a bit lackluster. Unless I'm missing something, all you have to do is switch which color pellets you're producing when a new enemy appears on screen. The only choice you can make for production is match it with whatever beats the closest enemy or else you'll be defeated (It doesn't help that pellets which do no damage to the enemy disappear when hitting them instead of being saved for future enemies).

Holy hell, the visual style and the fun of this game are both crazy! I'm sure I need to just "git gud", but the difficulty was way too high for me and I think some difficulty settings could be useful. I'd have to say, the theme implementation felt a bit lazy to me though, which is unfortunate, because everything else was amazing. My only other complaint would be the music and sfx were just okay but could be better. The game feels like a really well made, although a bit generic, bullet hell.

This feels like a really good idea and could be amazing with some polish! I love how you kind of set your own difficulty. However, the balance between bullet-hell difficulty and tower defense just doesn't feel very right or fun in this iteration. Also a lot of design is clunky with certain visual elements clashing against each other. Also needs a lot more content. If you plan to keep working on this, I think it could be something really cool!

Also I'm not too sure how Limitation plays into the theme? I could see some wonky answers but IMO it doesn't feel too close to the theme

Joypost because this is the first jam where I've made something that feels like a real game :D
I don't think it's good enough to win but I hope people enjoy it!