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Game is fun but also OH LORD is this a difficult one. Took me a while to cook my first sausage and it was my only one. I think it would be much nicer if the clock didn't reset when the sausage got colder (especially since that's not how cooking works). If that change was made it would also make sense to increase the time a little to compensate so it isn't too easy.

My only other gripe is that the movement is a little finnicky but I got around that by playing a little smarter and trying to not move as much. (also the dash mechanic was quite useless in my experience as it just sent me flying uncontrollably.)

Good art and audio design though. Only tip on the art design is that it doesn't feel very cohesive and the ships sort of class with the rest of the art (but that's just a bi-product of jam games and my game has the same issue)

(2 edits)

Thanks a lot for all the info. We get a lot of somewhat negative opinions on the movement, but that was to be expected. I knew from the start while proposing the floaty system to be painfully slow that some wouldn’t like it (it was stupid in the first place, I admit), but I can assure you that this aspect will get better as we learn from mistakes. In terms of the clock, it is the most rushed part of the game. I implemented it while nearly falling asleep on my chair the last day we worked on it.