This was a fun shoot em up. Its not too hard for someone like me who's not a big shooter fan so it didn't detract me from the experience too long. The thing that bugged me here is that some of the targets tend to not be very clear. Because they blend with the spider-esque enemies. I will admit that I didn't really read the mission briefing with full clarity so I wasn't able to pick up the signal failure theme until I realize I have to recover signals as an objective.
The 3 missions provided are a decent package on offer for what it is and the 3d polygon like designs really pop, making them quite unique. Aesthetically and the character menu select screen reminds me of an old racing game Twisted Metal. But more geared for the furry mech audience.
I basically picked one character (the speedy low health type) for the whole thing though, I didn't exactly have the luxury of trying everyone out.
Its interesting how the mech pilots are furries and their mechs reflect that anthro like design. Good job.