Thanks glad you’ve liked it :)
I tend to make games on the easier side difficulty wise so that anyone can enjoy the experience without too much of a hassle.
The objectives system was finished a bit last minute so i didn’t manage to have all of them as polished as i expected, the target ones ended up on the short end of the stick for this since i wasn’t sure how the game was gonna go performance wise (thanks to last year’s entry having wild optimization issues) i decided to not go too crazy with models and build them from what was already implemented and just re-used the material the enemies use, and chose the green one so it wouldn’t blend too much with the background, turns out this wasn’t enough, i’ll admit XD
yeah i wanted to have somewhat detailed textures to complement the very blocky models to get that more crispy psx look, plus my usual sci fi style where i want to convey a very grungey “lived in” feel to the mechs/ships/buildings etc.. Thats kind of my overall aesthetic for every sci fi stuff i’ve done and i consider it part of a same larger universe. Same goes for the presence of antho characters :3
And no problem, i perfectly understand not having the time to try everything out, i just wanted to have a bit of variety so that people could pick a favorite and just go play the game how they liked it :)