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any chance for just a compressed version? Wanting to try it out using joiplay on Android, but I getting the spare 20GB space free without evening knowing it will work is a massive hassle (7gb download + (7+)gb for the unzipped + 5 gb space needed empty for phone to not throw a fit about running too close to max when trying to unzip a 7gb folder)

Only asking because I assume (perhaps incorrectly) that there may be a quick and simple way to downsize the renders to half height and width (quarter the memory). What i mean is- i hate to ask for something more from someone producing free content, and im only doing so because im under the impression that the extra work would be negligible.


I'm unlikely to make one myself since I'd then have to test the game to ensure there's no visual artifacting, but since you're not the first person to ask, someone else has done it.

However, I haven't tried this version, so I can't verify its contents. I have had reports that joiplay does work though, however only when you download the latest version of joiplay from the website as opposed to an appstore, since last I heard the appstore version is out of date (Though this was some months ago now.)

If you get it working, I'd recommend choosing the VN version of the ghost hunt if and when you get to that part. I can't imagine the sandbox version would work very well on a touchscreen.

Thank you so much! I'll give it a shot!