Really cool tool. Good work. But someting bothering me. Can you snap by center of 2x2 and not by corner of a pixel?
So. Imagine i have cursor over gray pixel, anywhere but right on it. So it will be botton right corner of 2x2 zone in even sized selection. If i have odd size on pencil it will be exactly the center of it. This is exactly fine.
The problem with even size, because i'd like to have center where corners shared if tool size is even.
I know this is not a github where i probably should report that, but still. Thank you. 5 stars
UPD: Looks like images is not loading, but i hope they will later.
Hi, yes, i'm talking about draw tool's brush size. I do understand that is impossible to have centered pixels on an even sized brush, but i think it can be done with having pixel corner as it's center.
I did a little demo:
This does seem like a smoother way to do it, and I wondered at first why this is not already how it works, but I think it might actually make drawing precise or straight lines a bit difficult, so I think this would be better as a toggleable option. Maybe call it "dynamic brush centering" or something.