На том месте не было вообще ничего, даже дерева, я стоял точно по тем координатам. Да ладно, баг это бы
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Никто из комментаторов не сказал, но иногда бывают какие-то багнутые точки, по крайней мере у меня была точка которая не двигалась вообще ни разу, будучи там я не нашёл вообще ничего, EMF не реагировал. Скажи пожалуйста, пытался ли ты посмотреть свободной камерой что под землёй?
Должен упомянуть что однажды у меня была "точка" на карте (не на радаре, просто рандомная позиция) где EMF сходил с ума, происходило это до моего перезахода.
1) Only omega kerfrur can do that, you should hold a paper sheet and choose option "get reports" on him
2) Are you sure he is not on manual control? Check cameras - KerfurO and hit green arrow
3) For now he is getting stuck somewhere around Tango, be aware, i sugggest you to go to tango and do that hash specifically by yourself, then just send it and then kerfur will move since he will not need tango hash
Тебе нужна прямая ссылка на mp4 файл
example com/file.mp4
Эти ссылки тебе нужно вставить в appdata/local/votv/assets/tv/online.txt в формате
Прямо в игре ты их в телевизор вставлять не можешь
Должен упомянуть что у меня почему-то не все mp4 файлы работают даже в оффлайн режиме (файлы в tv директории)
Green deer escaped, time may be incorrect since purple wisp got me and it rewind a little.
I stuck and have to reload, he is back. So i think this is event that occurs when you play for long. Actually nice discovery, didint knew that at all
Anyway, this information need to be checked
Seems like he is going for a "walk" after approximately 2 hours of nonstop play
Несколько моих вариантов:
1) Вышка забагалась, попробуй подняться и всё равно "починить" её.
2) Перезагрузи сохранение
3) Перемести коробку из места, "вызови" дрон и помести коробку обратно затем снова вызови дрон.
4) Коробка лежит не на месте, сейчас место изменили, она должна лежать снаружи гаража в кругу, если она лежит чуть дальше, дрон не прилетит. (испытал на коробке с предметами)
5) Посмотри дистанцию до дрона, может он застрял где-то, дист должна быть около 7400 метров
6) Попробуй купить что нибудь, может он прилетит
I met shadow guy, that one that follows you even on pause. Not sure what caused it. Maybe i played for too long.
I wanted to do some little "kel's space program" and when flying up i saw a white flying orb that zapping everything with lightings, AND, a shadow dude slowly approaching me from same direction. I jump down the river and just was running from it 20 minutes, seems like it wont go away. Also my cameras was glitched for some reason and photos that i took when that "event" was happening were pink black mosaic.
I actually have recording and last 90 second of my game before he caught me. I cant edit it so im going to upload only 20 minutes. He caught me shortly recording.
1) Sometimes i want to remain hooked to something and use other tool, maybe some belt will add that feature?
2) I dont know if it will fit in game or not but how about ability to close/open garage door when sitting on ATV? (or maybe add that ability to car keys) (you can use TV remote)
3) Maybe ability to swap drive content in processing machine? (i didnt checked that in 0.8.0 but when i tried to import full drive onto it when there was already data, it just override it)
4) As i already told that in bug report topic, i would apprieciate ability to leave terminal/computer on "dismount" (or similiar) keybind and rebind "commit" from enter to E to use that in coordinate panel. Maybe even close inventories with Q?
5) Grapling hook that shoot hook? (OH NO MABEL FROM GRAVITY FALLS WOULD BE PROUD) - in my mind that would be more stronger than already existing hook and wold launch further, and it will be working with "hook belt" i mentioned earlier.
6) Camera UI rework? Maybe ability to control it like telescope does. For drone, i kinda like that its one action at a time, but it's up to you, would be nice to see full and better drone control.
7) Photos from cameras in UI. I want cameras have ability to take photos (not the digital camera, i mean that 3 [bad, med, good]
8) Ability to put items on the floor in to held container?
9) I think alarm clock should also show time :D (not in visual way, i mean in the floating UI bounding box). I have no problem reading time from analog clock, but still.
10) Random banana peel event? (Spawn banana peel right behind doors, so players in rush will slip, and maybe got scared :D)
11) Is it possible to move pc under the table? I still shutdown it sometimes :D
12) Candles as alternative light source?
Please, i do not REQUIRE that things and do not DEMAND you to do that, i just sharing my thoughts and thats it. Its up to you anyway. I know how damn hard is game dev.
Computer seems to click in random(?) place every time you use it, also if i rebind "commit" to E then coordinate panel will commit when using it to enter, i dont want that behaviour, i want to use it and then commit on E if i want to.
Cant exit computer, terminal, coordinate panel on "dismount" keybind (i know this is probably not a bug, but i'd like to rebind dismount to Q and use it for ATV, chairs and terminal)