Hey there! I've been redoing The Steppe code, following your suggestions on cohost, but I made a minor modification that seemed to have broken something.
So, there was an invisible field "counter" that would have its numeric text altered according to what card you came from, starting from 1. Then, there was a screen-sized invisible button that would take you to another card based on a giant "if... elseif" code. Your suggestion to simplify it would be to use lists. This was the example given:
cards:(card2,card3,card4,card5,card6,card7,card8) trans:("n/a","WipeUp","Dissolve","Dissolve","Wink","Dissolve","CircleIn") go[cards[counter.text-1] trans[counter.text-1]]
It was working well, but then I thought "maybe I could make the counter start from 0, instead of 1, so it would align with the list index on the 'go' and I can remove the -1". So I rewrote all the code for counter to go from 0 to 7 instead 1 to 8, and changed the "[counter.text-1]" to just "[counter.text]". Except now the button doesn't work properly, it just goes back to the home screen no matter the text in the field counter.
However, if put a +0, it works again. So, right now, it's like this:
cards:(card2,card3,card4,card5,card6,card7,card8) trans:("n/a","WipeUp","Dissolve","Dissolve","Wink","Dissolve","CircleIn") go[cards[counter.text+0] trans[counter.text+0]]
What I want to know is... am I doing something wrong? Is there another way to use counter.text as an index that I'm missing? I've been messing around with it for quite a while, but can't seem to solve this.