I wasn't able to get far in this, but it's fun and I'd definitely try it again with a few changes. this is what I'd like to see personally:
- Iframes after taking damage
-larger difference in effects between dealing damage and killing an enemy
- whip should go left or right based on the position of the mouse if you're using left click, It feels weird otherwise especially with a gun that uses mouse position on right click
- you don't have to have a confirm screen after the chest is opened, pressing S on it is enough. the popup is annoying and stressful while trying to fight. It's especially unnecessary if it isn't going to have an item description. I would actually like that you have to figure it out if it wasn't for this screen.
I think that's pretty much it. I really like your games, keep em coming. I'll be coming back to this one in a while (I like risk of rain, mine was gonna be similar to it as well before I changed it)