this was p cool! i think it could use some feedback when you damage enemies, squash and stretch or flashing white or maybe even damage numbers, or all 3! i think the OGM-72 DIABLO STRIKE was a bit too powerful compared to your regular projectiles so i mainly used it instead of the projectiles. art could be improved, fun game tho!
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This is great, however, I do have some problems. Firstly, why does the chud lantern have a hitbox?? It feels really unfair that, despite you dodging the bullets, you still get punished because the lantern got hit. I also feel like the enemy bullets should be more distinct and visible. Having to put thousands of dollars worth of lead into these stupid eyeball things just to progress is pretty annoying, and they’re not especially fun to fight. The 2nd boss also has some performance issues.
Really needs more juice, also feels a bit too short. The mechanic also doesn’t really feel like you’re working in symbiosis, since you don’t make up for each other’s faults, and the platforming is mostly just trying to keep the 2 rats as close together as possible. There’s also a slew of grammatical errors.
The art is beautiful, but I’ve still got a few gripes.
- No way to heal.
- The 1st alien is much more interesting than the others. Biting stuff and occasionally shooting projectiles/marking stuff with thorns and then releasing them for damage is much less interesting than straight up possessing stuff.
3.1 The 1st alien is also vastly better than all of the other aliens, because there’s really no point in fighting enemies. Also, the possess mechanic is weirdly janky, and I only got it to work a few times. I wish I could fly with the flying enemy while it’s possessed.
If you press space or whatever the key to interact with the lift was(i can’t remember) while the lift is moving the lift movement bugs out, i’m guessing you made it so that it eases from it’s current position to a position a certain number of pixels higher or lower, you can fix this by setting that number at the start.
Why can the stock market go into the negatives? That’s such an obvious bug to fix and a lot of the time it makes it so that you lose just due to random chance. The butterflies are also way too fast and there’s no warning that they’ll appear. I think going with a health system like bloons would fit this game way better than just, if 3 bugs or whatever get through, you lose. Theres a serious lack of sfx for a lot of things.