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A member registered Mar 30, 2022 · View creator page →

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It shows an item description when you hover over the sprite, we’ll probably make it so that it shows changes and stuff no matter what, I 100% agree on all your points.

If you press space or whatever the key to interact with the lift was(i can’t remember) while the lift is moving the lift movement bugs out, i’m guessing you made it so that it eases from it’s current position to a position a certain number of pixels higher or lower, you can fix this by setting that number at the start.

Extrez came up with the name, ask him.

Yeah, I did read the tutorial, and I did use the dash, still, the movement speed felt sluggish.

Very cool little horror game, it feels like it drags out for way too long though, also maybe a separate animation for when the guy finally kills you.

I’m pressing space but nothing’s happening.

Why does it seem like the third item in the shop always increases it’s price to be just slightly above how much U have? Is that intentional?

I absolutely adore the procedurally animated characters, the camera feels pretty disorienting though. This’d be an awesome online game if flowlab had better multiplayer.

The animated text is cool, the font is difficult to read.

From now on you should try and keep all the art in your games the same pixel size, also consider making the walls look like one smooth object since right now it looks a bit ugly.

This is cool I guess but I don’t see how this fits the theme at all.

Fun game, I don’t really see how where the theme comes in, only some of the upgrades have negative downsides. It runs pretty bad for me, idk about other users though.

The double jump feels extremely weird and janky to pull off, I feel like it was probably originally a bug but you were too lazy to fix it and so kept it in, not realizing how awful it feels to pull off.

The double jump feels extremely weird and janky to pull off, I feel like it was probably originally a bug but you were too lazy to fix it and so kept it in, not realizing how awful it feels to pull off.

The effects and stuff were really good though! Specifically the camera easing and stuff

Not really a big fan of the AI generated art. The gameplay feels like it’s a bit too luck based.

Game seems to crash upon clicking start.

Pretty decent top down shooter, nothing special, you really need to learn how to optimize your game if the blood causes this much lag.

I don’t really have much feedback to give about this one, here’s some rules to follow: Keep a consistent pixel size Add juice Playtest your game

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Why can the stock market go into the negatives? That’s such an obvious bug to fix and a lot of the time it makes it so that you lose just due to random chance. The butterflies are also way too fast and there’s no warning that they’ll appear. I think going with a health system like bloons would fit this game way better than just, if 3 bugs or whatever get through, you lose. Theres a serious lack of sfx for a lot of things.

Really fun little puzzle game! I think the player and level end sprites should be swapped since your eyes always go to the level end first since it stands out way more. Loved the music, the art is really good.

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Game is basically just watching the intro animation, watching the animation of your arm being removed then walking up to the boss and beating him to death, doesnt help that theres no sfx or juice for damaging him and the fact that you barely even have to dodge the crystals since you have so much health.

Nice art tho.

The download to this game is not available and theres no link to the game page.

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Thanks! Ror1 was a massive inspiration for us!

I was kinda bugged by the use of mixels on the hotdog’s tatoo but that’s my only gripe with the art.

This was great, the composer did an amazing job with the music, I loved the art, the characters and references were all great, the platforming felt a bit jank but that was my only complaint.

The holy bomb mechanic is extremely jank due to you being able to put them into walls and stuff.

The holy bomb mechanic is extremely jank due to you being able to put them into walls and stuff.

Thanks! Ill continue playing it later today!

Very fun game! I had a ton of fun going for a 100% crit build with the flintlock, I wish there was a keybind to enter fullscreen since you have to press escape every time, I think the flintlock is a bit too powerful compared to everything else since all you have to do is get the boots, some crit boosting items and then just stay as far as possible from enemies and dash around.

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Not a fan of not being able to play it on itch, also, why is all the music stolen from Undertale??

The lifts are utterly broken so I can’t really play the game.

Due to the number at the top only getting reduced when the movement keys are initially pressed, the player ends up treating the game like an autorunner since if they stop moving theyre gonna lose more health or whatever.

Nice art though.

It feels like the bullets are undodgeable because your jump height is so low, the taking damage sound is incredibly annoying, theres no death sound and the only thing that feels semi good(killing enemies) is punished.

Did you intend for the turrets to be invincible or are they just really tanky, I like the player head rotation and stuff.

I got to the vending machine, bought the pickaxe and then had no idea where to go

Also, please make enemies be on a separate collision group from the player, its just so annoying getting pushed around everywhere just trying to get some ammo

I honestly feel like making this a rougelike is actively detrimental since runs take so much time and have no variety

The voice acting elevates this game so much, I love it.

Didn’t have especially much fun since all the enemies are bullet sponges, you move incredibly slow and I encountered several gamebreaking bugs, mainly, the game not ending upon all enemies being killed and 2 having 2 invincible enemies, having to reload every time.

Huh? Did you get softlocked? If you did, please tell me about it so I can fix it.