very very cool, I would love to see this updated
the atmosphere and animation are great, the muted colour palette is really nice
This is great! I kept going after the text popped up saying not to break 3 more crates, guess I got what I deserved. after that I've gotta move on to the rest of the submissions but man, this is great!! It's really funny and high quality, and the actual gameplay is pretty decent. It's insane that you were able to pull this off in 2 weeks!
cool game! I like upgrading the jump height and speed and the addition of variable jump height. I recommend turning the player into a capsule shape so they don't get stuck on walls. I wasn't able to figure out how to get past the red and black door but I think I got to everywhere else. I wish I could have seen that chicken boss!
I wasn't able to get far in this, but it's fun and I'd definitely try it again with a few changes. this is what I'd like to see personally:
- Iframes after taking damage
-larger difference in effects between dealing damage and killing an enemy
- whip should go left or right based on the position of the mouse if you're using left click, It feels weird otherwise especially with a gun that uses mouse position on right click
- you don't have to have a confirm screen after the chest is opened, pressing S on it is enough. the popup is annoying and stressful while trying to fight. It's especially unnecessary if it isn't going to have an item description. I would actually like that you have to figure it out if it wasn't for this screen.
I think that's pretty much it. I really like your games, keep em coming. I'll be coming back to this one in a while (I like risk of rain, mine was gonna be similar to it as well before I changed it)
I like the gore, the shooting, fog effects and player vision idea, but I wish there was a better indicator of what the player's vision looks like. faint cone of light or something. I'm still not a big fan of the way shooting in the air feels but makes more sense when I'm approaching it as a stealth game.
upgrades didn't feel very important and a lot of the time gave me two of the same options
It's a little bit janky but very interesting.
I agree with pug and I think this would have been better off without permadeath. restarting from the beginning every time (because I suck) just made me spend more time on the game than I needed to. This is a really cute, cozy, and polished shooter and I think going back to the start of the wave and taking away all your blueberries would be punishment enough for death. other than that it's one of my favourites! it's nice to have a bit more of a fun and uplifiting atmosphere among a bunch of horror games and apocolypse scenarios. great job!
Yeah the balancing is way wacky, It's way too hard to start and then you barely even have to try once you've got a couple vehicles. click area is a big issue, and I wish there was a way to up the click area without actually widening the hitbox. I don't want the drivers to be easier to kill. an Attacher might work? not sure.
There's a lot I want to improve about this game but I don't think it should take too long so I look forward to seeing what you think once I've done some work. thanks for playing!
gonna come back to edit this later tomorrow if I have time to play more, but these are my first impressions from playing for a while.
1. It's beautiful, hong is an incredible artist and it really shines here in this game more than any before it imo, the colour palette was a great choice as well.
2. it's huge in terms of it's mechanics. shop, inventory, betting, combat, roguelike upgrades. it's very impressive.
3. the combat just really isn't much fun. I'm assuming mostly at the start of the game because that's where I am. It's just really boring to walk around in a circle and clicking to shoot the harpoon gun at a bunch of enemies with way too much health for a game where health isn't displayed. the dash is nice but doesn't really make combat much more interesting.
the enemies don't telegraph attacks very well at all. nothing draws attention to them when they're about to attack other than the really subtle squish on the swordfish from what I've seen so far. that makes the combat really frustrating and feel unfair. what I like to do especially with a dashing enemy is to start them animating really fast between two squashed frames before dashing to draw attention to itself. flashing red works for that kind of thing too if you don't want to spend a lot more time on animation.
there's not much feedback for hitting or killing enemies either, no hit flash, really weak sound, and the way they fly off the boat when they die is just strange and unsatisfying. (pretty distracting as well)
hit flash + shaking or knockback and a juicier sound would do a ton. And for the death animation, it would look a lot better if the enemies flew off in the direction they were last attacked, in Marigold I do this with the blood splatter by having damaging objects send their last contacted object their rotation for the enemy to store until they die/are hit by something else. I have no doubt you could come up with an even better way to do this (and then tell me)
+it would be cooool if the fish changed in size when flying off the boat so it looks like they're going up in the air otherwise I think the enemies just flying off screen with gravity like DKC/some of my games would look great too.
sorry for the wall of text. this is a very impressive game but I really think you guys need to start scaling these big games and maybe these big teams back a bit for the flowjams. you guys are really smart and skilled at this stuff but it's usually a bit too much and you really could make some incredible stuff at a smaller scale. I think Gods of five is just about perfect tbh, you struck gold there once it was all fixed up.
the art and animation is seriously impressive! It reminds me of Blasphemous. But your game is seriously lacking in the other departments. I think you misplaced your priorities this jam. this level of attention to detail should really be something you do when you have infinite time post jam. focus on your mechanics!
the gameplay was pretty unimpactful and one-note, the movement looked jittery(not sure what's going on there exactly), and the boss was way too easy to cheese. this could be really great if you add some more depth to the combat. try dodging through enemies, grabs, blocking, maybe a kick that doesn't do much damage but pushes the enemy back, there's lot of stuff to try in a melee combat game like this and it would look great in your art style.
keep it up, but work on improving your process.
It's always nice to see a unique art style even it's a simple one like just using black and white. Arrows being random was a bad idea tbh. Usually the deal with that sort of trap is watching the pattern and waiting for an opening, in this game it's basically just luck.
Also - where is your cover from? I'm a bit suspicious that it could be stolen or an AI image, but if it's photography with a filter or an art piece of yours that's cool.
cool idea! unfortunately I found the movement really frustrating, I think the light could show a bit more area as well since it's such a limited resource. Flying would fit with the firefly theme well if you want to add that mechanic. also, I always recommend people to switch their player to a capsule shape so they don't get stuck on walls.
the cover is really well made! good luck with your game dev in the future
Feels like a twist on meat boy where the blood you leave behind everywhere you go is part of the mechanics. Very cool! The game is a decent bit more polished than the last time I played it. It's great to see you improving on your game dev DW.
the simple art style and high contrast keeps the game pretty easy to read. I'd suggest smoothing out the camera changes so the movement doesn't get lost as easily when moving to a new area, I'm pretty sure JR 01's got an example for that.
I really like the art style! the animations are very interesting too, especially the overhead slash one. gameplay is pretty frustrating, damage sound should be changed, but those have been mentioned in other comments.
my suggestions are for the feel of the movement and animations. the animations are good.
1. turn the player into a capsule so they don't stick to walls.
2. separate the player into two parts, probably with the legs being the "real" body, and having the torso and head as an attacher, so that the attack animations can play while the legs are still doing the appropriate movement.
3. speed up the walking animation to match the speed of the player + this is one animation that I don't like as much, could use some work meanwhile the others work really well as is.
I really like what's here! enemies dropping money when they die is very satisfying.
an issue I had was when I would jump in between two enemies I would get stuck between them in the air and would have to reload the page. maybe make the enemies nonsolid and give them a raycast so they stop behind their buddies? It would also make it so enemies wait their turn like some martial arts movies hehe
I'd also like it if movement stops when you attack, maybe only when on the ground
downloaded this but couldn't figure out what to do. first time I played I was able to drag the scissors over a lung but couldn't drag them back. this time I learned the controls but couldn't pick up the scissors at all. the animations and sound are great! I love the way the organs are animated and the whole atmosphere of the game. It really makes you feel like a sketchy surgeon selling people's organs. I wish I could make some progress! I'll definitely come back if you can tell me what to do.
good puzzle game! very simple and polished presentation.
I'd like the movement to be a bit more responsive, sometimes I'll press when I think I'm on the next tile and will just stop. would be good to add a little wider of a window where you can start pressing the keys and store the input. That and being able to hold to move multiple in a row would be great for the controls and make this game feel as polished as it looks. great job NILS!
played this with my mom, we thought there wasn't much strategy to it at first but once we understood it, it was great. she doesn't play games much but was able to get it really fast. I love how things ramp up in speed over time as you buy drills. great 2 player game, I'd love to see more like this in flowjam!
I can't really think of anything that you could improve, the best I can think of is just adding a couple game modes that put a twist on the main gameplay if you really want to. It's prooobably not gonna win because gamers are lonely but it's perfect for what it needs to be and uses the theme in a simple and effective way. Great job!
and I didn't get dizzy!
I love this! imo concept is the most important thing in flowjam and for that Market Gnomes can't be beat. Even though there's a lot of bugs, and a lot of bugs, I can't wait to see this get updated/fixed up post jam.
the art style is great as well, it makes it feel like an old newgrounds game. it's nice to see some non-pixel art games in the jam, I should try something different next time too.
adding on to what sup3r87 said, "and maybe for the stock market to be a popup rather than an entire other section of the game." I actually like the idea of having to look away from the tower defense bit to do the stock market, but I'd recommend doing something like the rulebook we had in low noon saloon that would have an arrow to elastic ease you to the stock market and back. I think that would make it more clear that time is still moving while you're in there and to act fast.
(And idk if this would work in the gameplay but it would be cool if I could buy the bug parts as well so I could say BUY BUY BUY SELL SELL SELL!!!!! )
you get scrap from trading money with one of the trading posts, the one on the top left. you can mouse over a trading post to see what it offers. move your player through the post and they'll trade automatically at any of the 3. there's a bit about it in the tutorial level but it's not great, it was made in the last few hours.
thanks for holding off on your rating, I appreciate it.
this was really fun! I would love to see it fixed up and improved upon in the future. maybe even a full version if that's something you have the time for?
Along with the stuff you've mentioned as planned, I'd like to see some different types of notes. Maybe ones that fall slower so you have to pay attention to it's position while falling. (maybe a variation of this could move back and fourth as well, like a leaf) and maybe a note that has to bounce more than once (small bounce before being launched offscreen) and plays 2+ notes.
anyways, it's a very unique idea for a rhythm game. These are the type of projects that make me love game jams!