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Wow, these compositions are so vibrant and richly detailed! Creative and compelling work. This was a fun listen. Let the adventure begin immediately pulls you in. The interplay of the piano, flutes, and strings in Home is serene. The orchestration is good throughout. My small suggestion is I think mixing could be improved in some tracks. For example, the percussion is very distant in Playing in the Sand. Also I really loved Playing in the Sand--the weaving melodies are so good (honestly some of the best composition work I've heard so far)--but I found myself wanting some more variation in the song, maybe in terms of dynamics or something. I'm not exactly sure how to explain it but it's like it rode a line the whole time without wavering. Excellent work. Thanks for making and sharing!


Thank you for enjoying my work and for giving it such praise! And I think I get what you mean with wanting some more variation listening back to it now, the accompagnement can sound a little monotonous after a while, varying it up a little would probably improve it. Thanks for the feedback!