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A member registered Sep 06, 2019 · View creator page →

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That is correct, it is exactly what I was going for! Thank you for liking it!

Thank you! I appreciate the praise.

Thank you! I appreciate the constructive criticism, I'll try to improve my mixing in the future.

Thanky you! I appreciate the nice words.

Thank you! It’s really nice to know that a succeded with the overall feel of the soundtrack and with making them sound unique.

Thank you! It’s really nice to hear you enjoyed, especially that you think I compose well for orchestra. One of my goals with the soundtrack was actually to impeove on that front.

I really like the blend between the old cassical style and the modern electronic twist, very unique and very cool!

Really unique submission, I like it. It really evokes that boss fight theme you were going for, well done!

I really like the ambience you have created here, it feels like I'm about to go explore the oceans. It's giving me some subnautica vibe, quite nice, well done!

It's really quite a relaxing track you've made here, I really like it! I think it works really well as a main theme, well done!

I quite like it, it has a really nice vibe going, I can feel the undertale influences (in a good way) particularly on the first track. Well done!

Amazing, it really captures the story well! And I really enjoy your take on the theme, very unique! This OST is just a joy to listen to!

Love the ambience, it really does capture the picture well! I'd really like to play the game for this music, it feels like it would be beautiful.

It sounds great, I really enjoy what you have cooked up here. However, I do agree that your mix could do with of refining, particularly in regards to the louder parts.

Anyways, I noticed you had exact same workflow I used to have until recently when I began learning to use an actual DAW, what a fun coincidence. :D

This is an utterly amazing compososition! You perfectly convey a melancholic nostalgia, this has to be my favourite among the ones I have heard! Very well done!

This is a great OST you've made! It really captures the aquatic theming well, it feels like it would fit in the sort of game where you just lose yourself in the atmosphere. Great job!

I quite enjoy your submission, I'm a sucker for electronic synth music overall but this is really good and it captures the feeling of a digital world quite well.

This is some great stuff! 20 whole tracks is insane! It really pulls of that ambient dark feeling, well done. 

Thank you for enjoying my work and for giving it such praise! And I think I get what you mean with wanting some more variation listening back to it now, the accompagnement can sound a little monotonous after a while, varying it up a little would probably improve it. Thanks for the feedback!

I like and I like that it is loopable, I think however that it would improve from a bit variation, varying up the melody or dums perhaps.

Love it, sounds great and is really atmospheric, perfect to have on as background music!

I have to say you've done a great job, I particularly enjoy the second track "Fields of Ether", it gives me Outer Wilds vibes and I really like that.

I really enjoy this, it is a very nice relaxing track and I think it fits the theme really well!

Thank you! It's nice to see you enjoyed it

Thank you! I really appreciate your words and I agree it would really fun to hear my work actually be performed, but I am still quite young (recently turned 18) so there are plenty of opportunities to come!

Thank you! I have actually been trying to orchestrate and arrange something for a while now, so it’s nice to hear I have succeded this time.

Thank you! It’s nice hear that I’ve accomplished consistency with my soundtrack 

Thank you! It’s quite fun to come up with those rhythms.

Thank you! I appreaciate the kind words. Also I did not mean for it to sound like Tarantella Napoletana, but it does sound similar, what a coincidence!

i cant git gud make god gam mane 8/8 m8