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I came across a couple typos/grammar errors (mostly minor ones) and minor bugs while playing, here's what I found (apologies in advance for the wall of text!):

  • Card upgrade screen:
    • The preview for Cassius' card didn't display after the 1st or 2nd upgrades
    • The preview text for Azure's and Cobalt's cards don't match the actual card abilities
    • The preview text for Forest's card doesn't match the actual ability
  • Money maker:
    • In Taureau's narration, sometimes "additional" is misspelled with an extra n as "additionnal" (I noticed this at least Typhon's, Lee's, and Garland's cards)
    • For Typhon's level 3 card,  Taureau says you gain 10 points instead of 100
    • For Kaeli's and Candace's level 3 cards, Taureau will say that it costs 20 gold instead of 100 (and this might also be on their level 2 cards as well if the number was accidentally hardcoded in or something)
    • I might be wrong/misremembering on this one, but I think some cards specify gold when they mean points (I think I saw Boss and Garland add points, not gold, even though their cards specify gold)
  • Diary entries:
    • Intro: "Neither does buttsex" doesn't really work in the context of the previous sentence, something like "Butt sex didn't work either" or "He didn't like butt sex either" would work better.
    • Candace: "...I thought of walking around the big cities, buying sexy underwears..." I don't think "thought of" is technically wrong here, but IMO "imagined" or "envisioned" would be much clearer. (Also, "underwears" should be "underwear")
    • Ruben: "Ruben immediately told me that there was other ways to have fun..." I might be wrong here, but I think "was" should be "were"
    • Taureau: "It was private hunting ground" should be "It was his private hunting ground"
    • Taureau: "And I quickly felt his tongue slip again..." should change "slip" to "slip in"
    • Tristam's ordeal: "...the leader of the pirates gang" (pirates -> pirate)
    • Tristam's ordeal: "...who was not to the pirate's tastes" (was -> were)
    • Tristam's ordeal: "All was left to do was meeting the king" should change "All was left" to "All there was left" or "All that was left", and changing "meeting" to "meet" sounds a bit better IMO
  •  Other bugs:
    • Potentially not a bug, but I chose to not trust Azure and thus didn't get Admiral's card, and it wasn't for sale at Candace's shop later. Is it supposed to show up there, or does choosing to not trust lock you out of getting the card?
    • After Ruben's trial begins, as Lube, if you attempt to reenter the area where the trial started, you get the text box about needing to bring Forest a bonono, even though this is after you have given him the bonono
  • Miscellaneous typos/grammar stuff:
    • In the first conversation with Forest: "And in the strenght of your spirit" (strenght -> strength)
    • Examining the shield in the mermen area: "It must have been here for the longuest time." (longuest -> longest)
    • One of the dialog options when talking to Azure: "Did people reached the castle" should be either "Have people reached the castle" or "Did people reach the castle"
    • Talking to Azure: "I guess all those prisonners of yours..." (prisonners -> prisoners)
    • Option to cast the spell or not when the plant is attacking Ruben: "Loose a turn and cast..." (Loose -> Lose)
    • Talking with Ruben at the camp: "Even if you can be dumb as a brick sometimes"  The original might not actually be incorrect, but "dumb as bricks" or "as dumb as a brick" sound slightly better IMO (though other people feel free to chime in)
    • Talking with Candace at the camp: "No way to open thhe door"
    • Lube talking to herself during the translation of the 12th diary page: "Someone kills me" (kills -> kill)
    • Ruben's character sheet: "Strengths" (which is currently misspelled as "Strenghts") and "Weaknesses" should be made plural into "Strengths" and "Weaknesses"
    • Ruben's likes: "lay on his stomach..." should be changed to "laying on his stomach..." (though "lying on his stomach..." might actually be the technically correct option, though the difference between "laying" and "lying" is something that even native english speakers get wrong all the time; people who are better at grammar than me feel free to chime in)
    • Dick lollipop description: "Ô dick-shaped lollipop..."  (Ô -> O)
    • Lee's card description: "...than to do his job" should be changed to "...than doing his job"
    • Buffalo's card description: "... who incured the wrath of the Fairy Queen..." (incured -> incurred)
    • Cassius' card: The description shows up in a single line and spills onto the card images
    • Save menu: The titles for the autosave page, quicksave page, as well as the text below each empty save slot are still in French

Again, apologies for the massive wall of text, and I hope this doesn't come off as too negative. Overall, the writing of this game is very well done and super entertaining, and most of these things I've mentioned are pretty nitpicky and hardly take away from the overall experience. Thank you so much for making this incredible game for us all to enjoy <3

Don't apologize ! I love that kind of feedback. Helps me making the game better ! o/

Thank you so much for taking the time to write all this. Will work on it when I'm back home a upload a new build today or tomorrow. o/

Happy to help! I've actually been doing another replay of the game, and as I've been playing through, I've been taking some more notes on the grammar and other similar stuff. But the document has gotten longer than I expected (I think I overexplain a few things :P) and I don't think it will be conveyed well over here, is there a better way to send this info your way?

Thank you so much for taking the time ! You can DM that on twitter, if you're still there. :) @UramakiGigan