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Bara game - Help the Lube Fairy to restore peace in a land where lube was banned 100 years ago. 路 By Gigan

Bug report Sticky

A topic by Gigan created Oct 06, 2022 Views: 1,741 Replies: 32
Viewing posts 1 to 24

Help me make this game a bit better/less buggy ! o/
English is not my first language (but I'm trying my best), so if you found some weird grammar and want to report it, it can be done here too ;)

Will it be there for Android devices (I can wait forever)馃ズ馃挄馃挄


Ok, so I looked a bit into it and it looks like I could make an android build.
...that said, the build I just made is buggy as hell, with a lot of display errors (?). To get that shit working properly will recquire a ton of extra work. Maybe I'll try to make one, but that probably won't be before 2023, at best. :/
Still looking for solutions tho o/

Just finished the game and haven't found a single bug or grammar error (that I noticed). Good work!

have not found bugs. really great game.


Well that was unexpected lol Thx everybody ! :)

Maybe this was reported, but there should be a way to delete your previous files. I delete the previous version of the game, but to my surprise the save files still exist and are present in the new game, and as other surprise I found out that I can't really delete them at least I found where exactly this are supposed to be saved (what I thought were in the files I delete first)...


It's actually a pretty known problem for all Renpy games. I'll make a topic about it.

Locate this folder :

The saves are there and you can delete them.


I came across a couple typos/grammar errors (mostly minor ones) and minor bugs while playing, here's what I found (apologies in advance for the wall of text!):

  • Card upgrade screen:
    • The preview for Cassius' card didn't display after the 1st or 2nd upgrades
    • The preview text for Azure's and Cobalt's cards don't match the actual card abilities
    • The preview text for Forest's card doesn't match the actual ability
  • Money maker:
    • In Taureau's narration, sometimes "additional" is misspelled with an extra n as "additionnal" (I noticed this at least Typhon's, Lee's, and Garland's cards)
    • For Typhon's level 3 card,  Taureau says you gain 10 points instead of 100
    • For Kaeli's and Candace's level 3 cards, Taureau will say that it costs 20 gold instead of 100 (and this might also be on their level 2 cards as well if the number was accidentally hardcoded in or something)
    • I might be wrong/misremembering on this one, but I think some cards specify gold when they mean points (I think I saw Boss and Garland add points, not gold, even though their cards specify gold)
  • Diary entries:
    • Intro: "Neither does buttsex" doesn't really work in the context of the previous sentence, something like "Butt sex didn't work either" or "He didn't like butt sex either" would work better.
    • Candace: "...I thought of walking around the big cities, buying sexy underwears..." I don't think "thought of" is technically wrong here, but IMO "imagined" or "envisioned" would be much clearer. (Also, "underwears" should be "underwear")
    • Ruben: "Ruben immediately told me that there was other ways to have fun..." I might be wrong here, but I think "was" should be "were"
    • Taureau: "It was private hunting ground" should be "It was his private hunting ground"
    • Taureau: "And I quickly felt his tongue slip again..." should change "slip" to "slip in"
    • Tristam's ordeal: "...the leader of the pirates gang" (pirates -> pirate)
    • Tristam's ordeal: "...who was not to the pirate's tastes" (was -> were)
    • Tristam's ordeal: "All was left to do was meeting the king" should change "All was left" to "All there was left" or "All that was left", and changing "meeting" to "meet" sounds a bit better IMO
  •  Other bugs:
    • Potentially not a bug, but I chose to not trust Azure and thus didn't get Admiral's card, and it wasn't for sale at Candace's shop later. Is it supposed to show up there, or does choosing to not trust lock you out of getting the card?
    • After Ruben's trial begins, as Lube, if you attempt to reenter the area where the trial started, you get the text box about needing to bring Forest a bonono, even though this is after you have given him the bonono
  • Miscellaneous typos/grammar stuff:
    • In the first conversation with Forest: "And in the strenght of your spirit" (strenght -> strength)
    • Examining the shield in the mermen area: "It must have been here for the longuest time." (longuest -> longest)
    • One of the dialog options when talking to Azure: "Did people reached the castle" should be either "Have people reached the castle" or "Did people reach the castle"
    • Talking to Azure: "I guess all those prisonners of yours..." (prisonners -> prisoners)
    • Option to cast the spell or not when the plant is attacking Ruben: "Loose a turn and cast..." (Loose -> Lose)
    • Talking with Ruben at the camp: "Even if you can be dumb as a brick sometimes"  The original might not actually be incorrect, but "dumb as bricks" or "as dumb as a brick" sound slightly better IMO (though other people feel free to chime in)
    • Talking with Candace at the camp: "No way to open thhe door"
    • Lube talking to herself during the translation of the 12th diary page: "Someone kills me" (kills -> kill)
    • Ruben's character sheet: "Strengths" (which is currently misspelled as "Strenghts") and "Weaknesses" should be made plural into "Strengths" and "Weaknesses"
    • Ruben's likes: "lay on his stomach..." should be changed to "laying on his stomach..." (though "lying on his stomach..." might actually be the technically correct option, though the difference between "laying" and "lying" is something that even native english speakers get wrong all the time; people who are better at grammar than me feel free to chime in)
    • Dick lollipop description: " dick-shaped lollipop..."  (脭 -> O)
    • Lee's card description: "...than to do his job" should be changed to "...than doing his job"
    • Buffalo's card description: "... who incured the wrath of the Fairy Queen..." (incured -> incurred)
    • Cassius' card: The description shows up in a single line and spills onto the card images
    • Save menu: The titles for the autosave page, quicksave page, as well as the text below each empty save slot are still in French

Again, apologies for the massive wall of text, and I hope this doesn't come off as too negative. Overall, the writing of this game is very well done and super entertaining, and most of these things I've mentioned are pretty nitpicky and hardly take away from the overall experience. Thank you so much for making this incredible game for us all to enjoy <3


Don't apologize ! I love that kind of feedback. Helps me making the game better ! o/

Thank you so much for taking the time to write all this. Will work on it when I'm back home a upload a new build today or tomorrow. o/

Happy to help! I've actually been doing another replay of the game, and as I've been playing through, I've been taking some more notes on the grammar and other similar stuff. But the document has gotten longer than I expected (I think I overexplain a few things :P) and I don't think it will be conveyed well over here, is there a better way to send this info your way?


Thank you so much for taking the time ! You can DM that on twitter, if you're still there. :) @UramakiGigan

Hello Gigan! This chapter is great!  But I found the bug, if let Admiral keep Lance's card an error pops up but if keep the card for yourself game works normally.

I don't know if this bug was reported, but after take Ruben's trial, when we are lube and try to search the stuff, he asked for us, if we go to Buffalo, Ruben would appear despite he shouldn't be there.

There's also that you can't "talk" to Taureau in his game at the green mansion, so you can't give him the rainbow popsicle. Also is there an event when the gift breaks on his game? Like I got it broken, but nothing happened.

Also, when we do the perfume event (really hilarious btw xD) it is normal that we can't longer enter to the mermaid domain?


@ Grakedrik : Huh that's weird ! Will check it today !
@ DoubleMirror : For the Mermen domain, yeah it's normal. It's so people don't enter it and get confused by what they are looking for, so I made the accessible area a bit smaller. For your other points, it will be fixed today.

Thx for your reports ! o/

Hi Gigan its great work thanks for this

There is also a bug when you do the last trial to the castle, if you want to get the pearl in the ice cold tree if i play as ruben for get the stuff for the las fight i cant take the pearl out of the tree insteat the comes like way discription for buttfuck town and so on XD


Hey everyone ! Worked hard on your bug reports so first, a huge thx to all of you for taking the time to feedback me. :)

I as unable to replicate 2 bugs. 

  • First, the bug mentionned by Phoenix555, mentionned right above this post.
  • Second, Grakedrik's mention that we can't give Admiral Lance's card.

I'll keep looking into those but you encounter them (and if you have the time of course), could you post it here in the clearest ay possible (when the bug happened, does it happen each time, screenshot of the error screen maybe, etc...). Would make my life easier.

That said, I insist noone is forcing you ! I'll keep trying to fix them by myself and upload a revised build asap. :)

Someone tell me if I'm completely just not seeing this right, but I think Ruben's right arm is missing in this cg? Shouldn't we see it reaching behind Bison's head?



Will update it today 8__8

(1 edit)

Encountered two bugs while playing the new version:

  • I had completed the confrontation with Bison/Buffalo, then set up camp, talked to everybody (everybody i.e. Candice, Rhin, Kaeli, Sambre, Taureau, Buffalo) 3 times and then went to the Green Mansion to translate the diary page I'd found in the mermen's lair. Did the whole thing with the fire berries, so the next step would be to pick up the page at the purple leaves, as described in the translated diary. However, the purple leaves did not spawn in the area where they are supposed to be (it's the path leading to the camp, right? With the east exit to where the statue of Kaeli's brother sits).

More crucially, the 2nd bug occurred after I sent all the items to Ruben (sword, atcha berries, fur coat, burnt wood perfume, vial with lube). I clicked on the sword first, the text pops up saying "Ruben's sword! etc", and then I was immediately, without prompting, sent to the area to the south, where you can find the coat and atcha berries. Confused, I continue to pick up the rest of the items. I return to the glade and see the sword is still in its spot, sparkling. I click on it again and this time there's no text at all, and I'm transported to the area where Drew is waiting. When I clicked on him, the game said I hadn't collected all the items yet, even though I did. I was effectively stuck.

I figured out what was prompting this bug though! When the text box for an item (like the sword) pops up, sometimes it's possible to accidentally click on something else (like the feet prompt that takes you to another area). This is what breaks the game (I don't know how everyone else is making the text progress, I click the text box haha). It's especially easy to do with the sword since the feet prompt is really close to the text box there, but I also triggered it by accidentally clicking on the sign while the text box for the fur coat was open.

I want to say thank you for this. Even though it is about 4 months ago, I couldn't get past this area for the life of me. When I read your explaination, I just hit 'Enter' when I got the sword instead of clicking. It allowed me to get the sword.


Adding this to the list ! First thing I'll do in January is a major bug fix

New version: This bug occurs now, and after they finish the game they become completely without eyes and mouth (look at the branch, it's where they parts are) and Taureau's level 3 card it shows level 2.


So many bugs. My poor heart. 8__8


  • The purple leaves are always there, it's not an imagebutton. Do you mean you can't get the page by clicking on them ? Anyway, your feedback is nicely detailled, so it should be easy to fix. :)
  • I kinda see what that second bug is about. It's a bit tricky to fix so it could be recquiring more time but I'll work on it today !

@Lau Tai

  • For the mouth/eye thing, you can see them at the center of the screen. It happens sometimes when you press the skip key before the sprite is totally loaded. I'll find a way to fix that.
  • The problem with Taureau's card is easy to fix.

Clicking the card from the stone statue in the forest didn't give me anything.

I also tried buying a card I missed from Candice but it didn't give me anything either.

I'm pretty sure they're the ones that should of been between  Kaeli and Sambre in the menu since I got everything else

It's not a bug, but I still have some items in my inventory that I can't use for the quest, because when encountering a Garland there is no option to return to the forest which shows that the game has ended chapter 2 and took me back to the game menu.

Got this error message during the fight against Bison not too long after I chose to not cast the spell (Ruben was telling Lube what to do: he first suggested being menacing, then impassive, then I got this error). If it helps, I had already failed the right once so I had restarted the fight, and I also chose to not cast the spell in the first attempt as well.

Hello! Don't see it happening to anyone else, but I got the Cassius card and was told "upgrade it ASAP" So I immediately upgraded it to lv 3 and got the new art, but whenever I draw it it still divides my points by 2 even though that isn't the description. Not really sure and I can still make money just fine, but thought it might be good to know there's a bug somewhere there! Wonderful game!

I "teleported" the four items asked for, lube, fur coat, perfume, and the sword, but nothing happened. Am I missing something, I talked to everyone I could and left. Is this a bug? I can't talk to ruben about next steps.

never mind, I didn't click for double dick flowers, which wasn't asked for but I understand why I'd send it

Huge fan of the game Gigan! I have the same bug as @pronde, after the maximum upgrade for  Cassius's card, the image does not show up when you however over it. Other than that, it's a fantastic game! Any idea on when the next update will be out? 


Hello everybody ! I got some bug reports from other places and got my bug list sorted out. I should be able to upload a corrected build in about a week or two.
@Crispybanana : (sorry for the late reply) the next update is MEATY. I may have to divide it in multiple mini-updates. One of them is the ability to get to chap.2 wihout playing chapter 1, so you don't have to go to Fissa each time. Will keep y'all updated !

I'm not exactly sure how this even happened... But I made it to the part after sending all the objects to Ruben, but every time i try to pick up the coat or the sword, it triggers something else instead(I.E: Clicking the coat triggers the dialogue from clicking the sign, and occasionally teleports me to where the camp is. When i click the Sword, it teleports me to Drew.) When i first clicked the coat and the sword it had the correct dialogue of Ruben picking it up, but neither of the objects were added to my inventory and remained on the map.