Hello everybody ! I got some bug reports from other places and got my bug list sorted out. I should be able to upload a corrected build in about a week or two.
@Crispybanana : (sorry for the late reply) the next update is MEATY. I may have to divide it in multiple mini-updates. One of them is the ability to get to chap.2 wihout playing chapter 1, so you don't have to go to Fissa each time. Will keep y'all updated !
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Hey there ! Can you check the detailled post (first post of this topic) and tell me here you're at. Can't help you without knowing what steps you have finished already. :)
Have you already translated the tiny diary inside the cupboard ? If yes and it mentions purple leaves, you may have a tiny bug. I'll explain how to fix it.
So many bugs. My poor heart. 8__8
- The purple leaves are always there, it's not an imagebutton. Do you mean you can't get the page by clicking on them ? Anyway, your feedback is nicely detailled, so it should be easy to fix. :)
- I kinda see what that second bug is about. It's a bit tricky to fix so it could be recquiring more time but I'll work on it today !
@Lau Tai
- For the mouth/eye thing, you can see them at the center of the screen. It happens sometimes when you press the skip key before the sprite is totally loaded. I'll find a way to fix that.
- The problem with Taureau's card is easy to fix.
Hey everyone ! Worked hard on your bug reports so first, a huge thx to all of you for taking the time to feedback me. :)
I as unable to replicate 2 bugs.
- First, the bug mentionned by Phoenix555, mentionned right above this post.
- Second, Grakedrik's mention that we can't give Admiral Lance's card.
I'll keep looking into those but you encounter them (and if you have the time of course), could you post it here in the clearest ay possible (when the bug happened, does it happen each time, screenshot of the error screen maybe, etc...). Would make my life easier.
That said, I insist noone is forcing you ! I'll keep trying to fix them by myself and upload a revised build asap. :)
So Chap.2 (Ruben's route) is done (still need a bit of bug fixing, but let's not talk about that...), what's next ?
As I posted earlier, this chapter was truncated with several side quests so as not to make you wait 2 more years. Before I start working on Typhon's route, here's what to expect for the next update :
- A gallery, accessible from the main menu
- Money Maker will be accessible from the main menu and you'll be able to get special rewards from it (unrevealed cards, new profile sprites, WIP drawings and new CGs). This card game will be independant from the in-game one, which means the cards you'll get/upgrade won't be in the main game.
- A big sidequest starting a new currency : orbs. Orbs will give you access to small scenes featuring various characters, which will allow you to discover the daily lives of these characters before Lubrificanus. 2 scenes are planned at the moment : Rhin/Sambre and Tristam/Lou. In the future, I will ask you to pick your favorite heroes to be featured in those scenes.
- We'll see what's behind the glass window, in the Green Mansion. This sidequest was planned in case you break Money Maker and earning money is getting too easy. You'll find a simple way to spend cash.
- I'd also like to put 4 orbs and 3 additional diary pages in that update.
- A shortcut/cheatcode that will let you access to chapter 2 without playing chapter 1, and one that will give you free money, for those who just want to rush in.
That's it ! A lot of work to be done, but I'm motivated ! I'll keep you updated.
Also, thx a lot for the whole lot of you who played this update (and the ones who sent a tip ! <3) ! It's far from perfect but it's hard work, so I hope you liked this chapter ! See ya soon ! <3
Yo !
A gallery is planned for the next update. It's a bit tricky to code, and I wanted to release this build quickly (lol). I'll see if I can do the same with the cards but it may be a bit complicated, as the .png for the cards have their value included. I'd have to save the visuals as new .png. Not a problem but I must check if it won't take too much space.
The problem I have with sound effects is that they're just not enough. I'd have to add moans as well, which means finding voice actors. It's doable (actually, it's an idea I had even before releasing the first build) but not top priority.
...but we'll see ! That's something I'd like to see implemented in the future for sure !
Yeah, you don't get a continue picture after finishing this build cause I was lazy. 8D Thought about it right before releasing the build, that realized you guys have waited enough. I'll try to quickly code one.
You'll get more Buffalo/Ruben in the future. You'll have to wait til chapter 3 but you'll have the opportunity to pick Ruben a boyfriend. Buffalo will be among the available bachelors. ;)
No worries ! I like this kind of feedback ! When I can implement it, it's a pleasure to do so !
@ Grakedrik : Huh that's weird ! Will check it today !
@ DoubleMirror : For the Mermen domain, yeah it's normal. It's so people don't enter it and get confused by what they are looking for, so I made the accessible area a bit smaller. For your other points, it will be fixed today.
Thx for your reports ! o/
I'll see if I can find a solution but right now, I have no idea. :/ Didn't change the way I upload my builds since the first chapter. Are on Mac or PC ?
When I download an itch.io game, I basically run the .exe file located inside the folder, it looks like you do it another way ?
Also make sure to delete your previous files (pinned a topic about it) as a lot from Chapter 1 as changed. Running it as it is will be extra buggy.
I'll try to search for a solution. Keep me updated.
When a change is made to some code, it's important to delete your save files before playing the game or it will be buggy/unplayable.
Here how to delete your save files :
Locate this folder :
(Appdata is a hidden folder so make sure you can see those in your folder proprieties)
...and the save files are there. Delete them so you can start the game anew.
Ladies, gents and everyone in between, chap.2 - Ruben's route is available to download !
- Game was quickly beta-tested, so don't hesitate to use the bug report topic if needed.
- As a lot of things has been changed in chap. 1, delete your previous Lubrificanus files if you can, as it may fuck up your game.
List of collectibles coming soon.
Not much good news, unfortunately. I've changed a little something in the game that made the whole thing bug like crazy. Spent a good 3 weeks playing an replaying the game to correct shit.
All the cards are done. Diary pages as well. I'm currently checking the last straight line of the game. It will be done this week.
Last thing I'd like to implement before releasing the build is a new UI for the inventory, as a new collectible will drop in a next update, and I've drawn more cards than initially planned. Doing my best to do all of that as quickly as possible.