really like this, some great sound design, in a quite a few places you've got sounds that evoke that early vgm/chiptune aesthetic but with a really nice extra layer of modern depth and richness that makes them really satisfying to listen to.
you've also got a good variety of different sound palettes here between tracks whilst still retaining a feeling of coherency.
you've managed to get a really nice full and dense sound throughout without ever using so many different elements that it ever feels cluttered or overly busy, in fact quite minimal in a lot of places.
some very nice attention to the extra details with all of the sweeps and FX that often take a very centre stage role without being distracting or feeling in the way of the more melodic elements.
I think the first track is probably my favourite, the way you build upon that very simple piano and synth part about half way through just sounded really good, not to say I didn't really enjoy the rest either.