The game has potential, and a very good graphics despite some of its short comings; which I will list below.
(1)The bottom of the screen is cut off, so you can't click everything below a certain point; without having guess where the button is located.
(2)The loading and saving mechanic needs to be reworked, so that it can load up your entire progress; and not your stats. Unless, the player knows what they are doing and knows how to exploit the system itself.
(3) Stats are not viewable in The Lounge area, and the only thing that is viewable is the amount you can charge per dance.
(4) There needs to be a game gallery of your hard work! You have no idea how difficult it was for me to even TRY to dig through the files of the game.
(5) There needs to be a very strong story narrative. I get it, the game is still in the pre- pre- alpha phase; so there might be one in the works!
(6) I am going to recommend that you switch to Ren'Py as a game engine platform, as there is WAY more access to different gaming platforms with it then Unity. Especially, since there are a lot of controversy surrounding the company that owns Unity. You can still keep the game as a PC only game if you switch to Ren'Py, and mobile users can play it ( with the emulator of course ); as that's how I play some of the "PC only" games.
(7) Side quests! There needs to be side quests along with the story!
(8) Being able to talk to the staff during your shift, and or talking to the owner!
(9) Different main character choices! More specifically, four different preset characters you can choose as your " Dancer " for when you first start up Matriarch.
(10) Being able to name your " Dancer " when you first start up the game.
Again, I do STRONGLY recommend that you swap over to Ren'Py. It may be easier for you in the long run. There is a person named Yuliya Kovach, who does something a lot similar and uses Ren'Py.