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(2 edits)

Thank you so much for such kind words!

So this is actually the introduction to the story, it's true that I didn't break that down properly but it's introducing the main motif which is the lullaby her mom sang to her. 

For a breakdown:

Intro - We see the little girl drawing the little fish and bubbles, herself and some kind of silhouette.

Section A - We cut and go straight to the wake, it's raining, there are some cuts of some joyous moments of her and a woman we can't really see the face of, and we cut back to different moments of the wake, where we finally get to see the little girl.

Before Section A finishes - We cut back  to the drawing and see droplets falling on the drawing.

Section B - We see the little girl crying in a somewhat dark room surrounding her little desk with a tiny lamp barely strong enough to light her drawing and her face, alone and in despair. We start seeing some parts of her drawing moving. Transition to black.

Section C - We see her as the drawing in the darkness, like floating / swimming. She sees a the silhouette and tries to reach her and struggles to do so.

Section C (part 2) - She reaches her and the silhouette takes the little girl in her arms and the darkness fades away a little bit, the drawing start to come to life and bubbles appear, some fish, around both her and the silhouette. But as the Section C ends, the silhouette stops hugging the little girl and start being like pulled by by a current, so do the bubbles and fish. The silhouette manages to split a part of her, as a bubble and give it to the little girl before being taken away.

Before Section C finishes - The world around the little girl starts getting dark again and the bubbles and fish flow with the silhouette away from her. She cries out with despair one last time before we fade to black again.

Section D / Outro - We see the little girl on a dark background slowly falling down the screen as she falls deeper and deeper into what seems to be bottomless darkness. And as the last few notes are heard, we see her slowly lying down on an invisible floor, with the bubble still in her hand. The last note we zoom unto the bubble, the remnants of her mother, that she will carry throughout her adventures, acting as a compass (as all parents should) and as a way to solve puzzles and other gameplay related elements (a kid must find his own solutions, but a parent should always be there to help out when needed).

I will probably add this to my devlog as it's true I wasn't fully clear on what was exactly the images I had in my mind. There's a lot of direct references to impermanence that make sense to me (it haunts me really) and I hope it makes it clearer where this song it supposed to happen.

Like I said, the lullaby was supposed to be the leitmotiv on all tracks in a way. "A Strange New World" is track 2 of the OST I was planning before having to ditch it for lack of time, and would be her waking up in this new world of hers. The first notes would be the leitmotiv "lullaby" played on Basses as pizzicato notes to have a somewhat playful and mysterious connotation. That's about as much as I had planned overall!

Thanks for bringing it up. And thank you again for so many kind words! It means the world that you liked my interpretation, as it's pretty close to my heart!

(1 edit) (+1)

the fact that you were able to go in depth through each section of the song speaks volumes of how much love and effort you put into making this one track.

For the imaginary game, I could imagine that you managed to integrate the puzzle solving mechanics with the storytelling by making the silhouette as some sort of guide giving hints to the child protagonist.

The fact that you witheld that the silhouette was actually her mother on your description recontextualizes that she was suffering from grief and that the journey that the protagonist will go through was actually about acceptance. 

That even in death, the mother still looks after her children. That she'll be with her throughout her journey.

The message is absolutely heart wenching, and i could imagine what a great game it could be from the soundtrack alone. The fact you created a link between the gameplay and the storytelling is peak. For a song used for the intro scene, it does leave a sepctacular first impression.

Thanks for the reply, I really appreciate it.

Thank you for going through more of my ramblings ahaha

Thank you for all the sweet praise, I'm really happy you got to see and feel the vision I had for the whole complete project, it was the most important to me, as being new to everything music, I knew that I also just couldn't rely on the music alone quality-wise xD

You made my day thanks again!