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(1 edit)

Encountered two bugs while playing the new version:

  • I had completed the confrontation with Bison/Buffalo, then set up camp, talked to everybody (everybody i.e. Candice, Rhin, Kaeli, Sambre, Taureau, Buffalo) 3 times and then went to the Green Mansion to translate the diary page I'd found in the mermen's lair. Did the whole thing with the fire berries, so the next step would be to pick up the page at the purple leaves, as described in the translated diary. However, the purple leaves did not spawn in the area where they are supposed to be (it's the path leading to the camp, right? With the east exit to where the statue of Kaeli's brother sits).

More crucially, the 2nd bug occurred after I sent all the items to Ruben (sword, atcha berries, fur coat, burnt wood perfume, vial with lube). I clicked on the sword first, the text pops up saying "Ruben's sword! etc", and then I was immediately, without prompting, sent to the area to the south, where you can find the coat and atcha berries. Confused, I continue to pick up the rest of the items. I return to the glade and see the sword is still in its spot, sparkling. I click on it again and this time there's no text at all, and I'm transported to the area where Drew is waiting. When I clicked on him, the game said I hadn't collected all the items yet, even though I did. I was effectively stuck.

I figured out what was prompting this bug though! When the text box for an item (like the sword) pops up, sometimes it's possible to accidentally click on something else (like the feet prompt that takes you to another area). This is what breaks the game (I don't know how everyone else is making the text progress, I click the text box haha). It's especially easy to do with the sword since the feet prompt is really close to the text box there, but I also triggered it by accidentally clicking on the sign while the text box for the fur coat was open.