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Definitely gotta give you credit for making a 3D entry; certainly not something I expected to see! But I'm guessing you were a little too ambitious with this one. Like there a lot of issues:

For example:
1) Its far too easy to soft lock

2) There's not a proper way to quit/reset

3) Mechanics weren't particularly well explained (I don't really understand how the pattern minigame worked)

4) Collision was super janky

5) Really should've been a web build (especially since this was a Unity project)

I mean I really hate to come off so negative. Like making a 3D game in 3 days is no small feat. So massive props for the effort but I'm guessing you were overly ambitious.  I guess for next time smaller; you don't have to make a 10 minute long 3D platformer (frankly I have little doubt that you could make a fantastic game with a smaller scope)

1. thanks for your comment. Now i know how to do web games so im gonna make it web when the jam ends (or can i change it in the voting period because i don't know). Other peoples also said that they can easily soft lock so im gonna fix that, and also the patterns. I don't know how to do a restart or a quit function so i just stick to makeing the game web and do a refresh when you got stuck or lose. Lastly thank you for downloading the game, a lot of people don't try out my games because they are downloadable.


Personally, I don't see why you wouldn't be allowed to submit a WebGL build (its not like your changing anything), though you might wanna DM Ico to be sure.

I've left some links to Unity Docs (these are a fantastic resource in general btw) for loading and quitting. Admittedly quitting isn't particularly relevant for WebGL but it doesn't hurt either.



Thank you for the reply, and also thanks for the scripts that you send. I emailed the host of the jam i hope he answers before the end of the jam.