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Atomic Burning

A member registered Mar 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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Bit of an... odd take on theme, but if that's how you interpreted it, I can't really complain!
The game was really well made - the levels were fun and the graphics were great. Its such a shame that level 6 was impossible (I get that mistakes happen but it was rather disappointing)

It might be one of the more obvious ways of fitting the theme, but you manage to pull it off well! I'm impressed that you managed to make so many good puzzles with relatively few gimmicks.

Ah, so this is how the US healthcare system works ;)

This submission was really cute! Its an interesting setting for a game and the graphics really help to pull it all together. Granted the gameplay gets stale, but there's enough there for a few minutes of enjoyment. Overall a pretty successful submission :)

Hey thanks!
So turning. I don't want to claim to be an expert on tanks and I'm sure I've misunderstood a lot of intricacies. First of all you have to appreciate that, for several reasons, I intended this to be a WW2 game. So whilst neutral steer is very common (if not universal) amongst modern tanks, I don't believe it was wide spread amongst WW2-era tanks. And in the case of, say, the Tigers, neutral steer wasn't generally used as it was slow and damaged the suspension.

So since I was modelling WW2 armoured warfare, I deemed neutral steer to be ahistorical. Of course historical accuracy isn't a good excuse for clunky controls - even less so in a game jam.

Yea I tried something new with the art style. Didn't really pan out but I'm sure I could create something nice with a bit more time :)

i don't think any individual level leaps out to me. Though I did specifically like the anchor objects; they were a cool gimmick to play around with

I quite like this one! Its a cool take on the theme. But honestly what I was most impressed by was how you made such basic gameplay feel really ominous; the atmosphere you created was phenomenal! Though as I say, the gameplay is a little too basic and the game is such feels a little dull at times; still I'm glad I stuck round as that "ending" was pretty cool :)

I forgot that GB Studio existed so it was super cool to see a project using it!
I loove what you did visually! Its pretty authentic to the Game Boy, but also not quite? I'm not sure how to describe it? I guess its kinda like an enhanced sgb game? Well regardless, I really enjoyed the visuals :)
Gameplay-wise its pretty basic but still enough (would've been nice to see some more complex levels tho)
Theme-wise I think its a bit of a stretch but I'll let you off because I liked the pun ;)

Its a very funny submission! I doubt any other submission will make me chuckle like this one did xD
Beyond that, there's not much substance but it is pretty fun for what it is

I'm impressed that you managed to keep me engaged for that long with three different enemies xD I like the overall concept and the gameplay pairs well with the graphics and music. I'm not sure why there's two (identical?) weapons? Like surely its best to just dump all the scales on one? also weird that the swords are exclusively ranged weapons.

Still, its a very enjoyable grindy game; fun to way to kill a few minutes :)

You and your Jesus tank should travel the seas and find a nice peaceful island to settle down on ;)

Ok that was like really really good! This will probably one of the most creative games in the entire jam! The puzzles were really thought out. I love it :)

The only thing that could maybe improved is the graphics (though tbh the simple style does work pretty well) and maybe add a little music?

I'll try and get some people to play this because its soo cool!

Short and sweet. There's not much content but it is well polished. And tbh that's an ideal outcome for a game jam.

Its a cute take on the whole shrinking/growing idea and you paired it with a couple fun levels. The assets were mostly from a third party but you've managed to mesh them together well; I probably wouldn't have realised if you hadn't said. Its a different skill than producing them yourself but it is still an achievement nonetheless to make them feel cohesive. Good Job!

I adore what you've done here! Its a really clever take on the theme paired with beautiful graphics and a soothing sound track. The main problem is that the game gets stale quite quickly; the core gameplay loop is pretty basic and repetitive at the moment. Though I imagine that this would be fairly easy to solve by adding a couple more gimmicks and mechanics.

Over-Scoped? Nope, it was the opposite, I under-scoped lol
I added the last level a few hours before the deadline(which might have been a really bad idea lol) xD
That's exactly what I mean, you should've spent the last few hours polishing what you already had; its much better to have a short but polished experience (maybe around 3-5 minutes) than a longer unpolished game. Remember Quality > Quantity

yea I this is another Jam were we came up with a good idea but stumbled on execution >.<

I think the weight limit is fine in principle; the main flaw is how the tank's stats are calculated. Like a lot of components are relative to the tank's size (for example the bigger the the tank, the more armour you need) and, for simplicities sake, I had them act as percentage modifiers. Problem is I was lazy/dumb and made the percentages multiplicative instead of additive, which leads to components having inconsistent stats. And if the stats are inconsistent, well it becomes difficult to achieve specific values (like you have to do with weight stat).

Enough rambling about my crappy code lol. So I tried a different art style for this Jam. Problem is that it got worse overtime. For example, the top down tank was the first thing I designed and I was quite proud of how it turned out. But yea as you say the terrain (which was made much later on) looks, well, awful. I guess the pressure got to me XD.

I'm just gonna copy paste for the controls. Everyone (rightfully so) complains about them, and I'm a bit tired of typing it out every time:

Honestly, the controls were something I just couldn't really wrap my head around. I think it was always gonna be a bit awkward and limiting myself to half the keyboard to accommodate 2 player versus (something that 90% of players won't even use lol) didn't help things.  At this point I'm thinking a GamePad would be the optimal control scheme, but that's not really accessible :/
My musician will be glad to hear you praise his music! No one mentioned it yet - I think he was getting worried ;)

I'm guessing you softlocked with an extremely fast tank that was able to clip through the janky collision? If you have any more details, I'd love to hear :)

lol no one likes the controls (not that surprising tbh)

haha yup there's no balance at all ;)  (from my testing the "meta" seems to involve ignoring armour, which y'know isn't exactly a great balance lol)

I did plan on adding sprites for the light and heavy chassis (in fact I already decided to use the Soviet BT and the German Tiger II as a base) but I kinda ran out of time. Time management was a bit of a mess - oops

Yup tanks are kinda clunky, but sadly its not really an excuse for making clunky controls D: 

And omg why didn't I let the players use templates! The CPU tanks literally use templates (there's literally three for each weight goal too). Aww that would've been sooo easy to implement and would've made the game soooo much better. Such a good suggestion.

I'm sad now :(

Ah you got my hopes up >.<
But still thanks for recognising it (my efforts won't be completely wasted lol)

All of the weight goals are possible, but to be fair the entire system is pretty clunky. Not surprised you found it difficult

Maybe I came off too negative, but I really like it overall! and I get you, I'm no artist myself lol

haha this is one of those games that I wish I was better at! Like love what's going on, but I'm too dumb to fully appreciate it. The game was pretty janky and buggy but that was to be expected from a physics based game, soooo can't really complain. My only actual (minor) complaint would be the graphics; I get what you were going for but it doesn't really do it for me; though on the other hand I totally get that you'd want the graphics to take a back seat in a game like this

Haha not your fault! The controls are... questionable at best. Still I'm glad you liked it :)


No but seriously this game is amazing if you remember that it solely exists to try to make you break your monitor ;)
I love how you constantly throw new and brutal mechanics at the player which keeps the gameplay extremely varied. And the presentation is phenomenal! I looove the brutal sound effects and the simple but clean artstyle! Great Job!

And yes I did beat the game. It might have taken me 40 minutes but I beat it and you can't take that away from me

I know right?

(1 edit)

Yeah I agree with the controls its kinda difficult mapping them to a keyboard (well half a keyboard).
Did you actually manage to play 2 player with someone? If so i'd hear a little bit about it :) It is the best part of the game in my opinion

Glad to hear it! Funnily enough multiplayer existed waaaay before singleplayer

I love your suggestions! I totally agree that ditching the realism makes the most sense. Besides going with some weird fantasy tanks is weirdly appealing to me. 
I agree with your mouse suggestion as that is probably the only way to make keyboard controls semi-functional. But honestly at this point I'm kinda convinced that a GamePad is the only way to get good controls.

Idk food for thought ig; could be something worth developing in the future

Well you need to stop making such good Jam submissions then!

I really appreciate the honesty! I said in another comment, but I'm not really sure how you'd make good controls for this. Like I'm not saying I did a good job, but I genuinely don't know how you'd make good controls on a keyboard (less so on half a keyboard; I was hyper-fixated on implementing a local 2 player mode lol).

The customisation is pretty wonky tbh, especially if, like most people, you don't know much about tanks. If I could go back, I'd love to simplify it.

The controls were kinda ruined by my goal of "authenticity". Like I ruled out turning in place because "that's not how are WW2 tank works" (the game barely utilises the WW2 theme anyway; doubt you can even tell tbh).

So overall, I had some poor priorities i guess.

Honestly, the controls were something I just couldn't really wrap my head around. I think it was always gonna be a bit awkward and limiting myself to half the keyboard to accommodate 2 player versus (something that 90% of players won't even use lol) didn't help things.  At this point I'm thinking a GamePad would be the optimal control scheme, but that's not really accessible :/

Honestly, obscurity never even crossed my mind. I have a light interest in World War 2 (and y'know I am the developer) so it all made sense to me and never considered that it might be confusing to a more general audience. Frankly that's a devastatingly large lapse of judgement on my part - oops

So i don't wanna completely reiterate what I said in vc so I'll keep this somewhat brief.

So the sprite-work was great and was definitely the strongest part of the submission. Though I must say that the visual cues need a lot of work; stuff like the foreground elements being identical to regular tiles and the buttons not reacting when triggered. But overall the visuals were excellent!

The whole scaling gimmick was cool but, I don't know, it just feels to obvious?  Can't say I blame you (the theme was kinda nasty tbh) but I feel that its gonna make it harder for your game to stand out. But I can't deny that you pulled the gimmick off quite well.

And the overall enjoyment. Look I'll be totally transparent here; after reflection I decided to drop this rating by one star. Why? Because whilst there is genuinely a lot of good, fun level design, there's also plenty of unfun and overly difficult sections; not to mention the soft locks. To be honest, I feel a little bad knocking you down a point because you clearly know how to make good platforming challenges. Considering that you have three levels, I'm assuming that you over-scoped a little bit (don't worry, that's an extremely common mistake) and therefore wasn't able to be super thorough with your play testing. I'd say for next time, try and make something a bit smaller. I am very confident that you can make something really good if you set a smaller scope.

yup this is pretty good lol. Very clever take on the theme with a ton of creative puzzles and amazing graphics (you really have a great style). The menu is a little unintuitive (and the UI scaling is a little off) but I can't really knock you for that.
This is another jam submission that I would love to see be made into a full game :)

So I've not been able to give this one the time it deserves, but I gotta say that's its a great take on the theme! Gameplay-wise its obviously quite RNG dependent but its still an enjoyable experience with a fantastic art style!

Was there meant to be any music, or has something gone wrong on my end?

So now that I kinda understand the game, I've realised that it is extremely fun to play! My only complaint is that it ends! XD or that it ends and loops back to the beginning without telling you lol.

No but seriously please work on this one after the Jam and release it on Steam or something. I just want more puzzles and I wanna see where the story leads! 10/10 best game in the Jam (minus the geometricness I suppose)

Whilst this is a good implementation of the theme, it just feels too awkward and annoying to play; the jumping feels odd and I was struggling with the depth perception. Certainly not a bad effort, but there's lots of room for improvement.

I think this one might be my favourite so far! The theme implementation is genius, it looks really nice and its genuinely super fun to play! In fact I was super disappointed that there wasn't any sort of  endless free play :(

I guess my main suggestions would be:
1) Add some background music (sadly the current lack of music will hurt your final rating)

2) Add endless free play; I just wanted to keep going man.

3) Somehow alert the player if there are enemies or shapes. It was really difficult to know where to focus my attention though I guess for the enemies you could argue that player is intended to stay so that they contribute to all lanes. But if you do that, you miss out on a lot shapes; maybe just automatically add shapes to the player's inventory instead?

Those are very minor improvements; there's not much to improve in regards to the main gameplay loop. Because of that, I would love if you were to add more maps, enemies, etc; there's a lot of potential here, so i'd love to see what you can do :)

This is a game with very good presentation and an interesting idea but unfortunately its kinda brought down by the execution. Like the core mechanic of switching shapes is super cool but there's little reason to not use the square with its miniscule hit box (and frankly the circle is completely useless regardless of how you slice it). 

I think with a rework of how the shapes work, this would be very good game; maybe instead of just changing stuff like speed you could completely change how each shape controls; for example the circle the circle could control like the standard Asteroids ship whereas the triangle has some sort of dash mechanic. I would definably be interested in seeing more :)

Definitely gotta give you credit for making a 3D entry; certainly not something I expected to see! But I'm guessing you were a little too ambitious with this one. Like there a lot of issues:

For example:
1) Its far too easy to soft lock

2) There's not a proper way to quit/reset

3) Mechanics weren't particularly well explained (I don't really understand how the pattern minigame worked)

4) Collision was super janky

5) Really should've been a web build (especially since this was a Unity project)

I mean I really hate to come off so negative. Like making a 3D game in 3 days is no small feat. So massive props for the effort but I'm guessing you were overly ambitious.  I guess for next time smaller; you don't have to make a 10 minute long 3D platformer (frankly I have little doubt that you could make a fantastic game with a smaller scope)