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(2 edits)

Hey, so apparently, starting from the beginning makes....idk how to explain this but it just repeats the same lines right after they're shown sometimes, just slightly different?

This happens when you meet Phillip and when you meet the remnant for the first time, there might've been more that I missed, but I simply do not know if they were intended or not to notice those.

Ah that’s not supposed to happen. Dialogue is supposed to vary slightly depending on whether or not you’ve completed Sissel’s route. Could you post screenshots of where this happens? I’ll try to get this fixed ASAP.

(1 edit) (+1)

I think an example is in Day1

In line 29 you have 

if persistent.repeat == "true":

I think you meant to have

elif persistent.repeat == "true":

Or maybe have

Line 9
if persistent.repeat =! "true":

Line 29

Right after this part,

you get these choices (which I don't think were supposed to happen, since I haven't played through Sissel's route yet)

And for the remnant part, it's this:

into this right after:

Those are the only ones I noticed so far though, sorry for the very late response btw!


Thank you for the reports! I've fixed them on my end and will be putting out a fixed update later tonight! QWQ


I think I figured out what it is, the alignment.

If you look at day1 lines 289 - 309, you'll see that they're not aligned correctly under the "if persistent.repeat == "false":"

So they end up falling outside of the "if persistent.repeat == "false":"

Also, maybe put at least 3 blank lines between where the new content ends and the old content starts up again. That way people who have already read the content can continue skipping seen text.