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(2 edits)

Hey Chiel, I just downloaded the newest version for me second route (Gunter), and I noticed that it is continuing to skip after choices are selected even though I have the setting set to stop skipping.

Edit: It's actually strange because it's not consistent. Sometimes it stops, and other times it don't. It's skipping more often than not.

Edit2: Now it is playing parts that are definitely not new without an option to skip. I'm on day 17.

(1 edit)

Hi, KSR1! I've just checked and it's not happening to me x_x have you tried opening/closing the game? As reference, my setting is set at "SKIP AFTER CHOICE = 'Stop Skipping'" and "SKIP MESSAGES = 'Seen Messages'" 

Usually, I skip by pressing 'ctrl'.  If you're using the skip button, maybe that's the one causing trouble? But it's a default code from Ren'Py so... hmmm... another thing I can think of is: maybe Ren'Py is skipping so fast & your PC process things very smoothly, it sometimes failed to detect the choices and skips past them? 😅 This is such a confusing bug--I'll keep trying on my end,  but honestly, I'm as confused as you are, KSR1!

Hey Chiel, I have the same settings, and I have tried opening and closing the game. It appears to be doing its own thing since I am definitely reading text I've already seen with no skip option. I'm going to try the ctrl option. Will this appropriately stop at unread text and selections?

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Yes! If you skip by pressing the CTRL button, the game will still stop at choices & new sentences as long as you tick "Seen messages". When you stop pressing CTRL, it will also stop skipping! 

The difference with the Skip Button is: If you clicked it (The skip button under the textbox), the game will continue to skip after you make a choice! You need to click the button once more to stop skipping!

Okay, got it! I think this is where I got confused. In most games, the skip button behaves the way you're CTRL does. Thanks!

You're welcome! It's sometimes hard to describe these things, but I'm glad we worked it out! XD

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W-wait a minute, KSR1, I've just discovered something!

If you're using the skip button, then yes, it will continue to skip after you make a choice! You need to click the button once more to stop skipping.

Also: if you tick "Seen Messages", the skip button will keep skipping until you encounter a sentence you haven't read. If you tick "All Messages", the skip button will keep skipping--eeven when you encounter things you haven't read before!

If this is the problem, then the solution I can give you is to skip by pressing CTRL button! If you stop pressing it the game will stop skipping too ^.^

Okay, I think I understand. Pressing the skip button essentially makes it skip any and all read text, so it will stop for me to make a choice, then after the choice start skipping again until it encounters unread text. Correct?

In order to make it stop skipping at the conclusion of a choice, I need to use CTRL instead of skip. Am I getting this right?

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Correct, the skip button under the textbox continues until you click it once more to stop it! (It glows as an indicator that it's still working/functioning). You can still use this to see the conclusion of a choice, but it might be a bit tedious since you need to click to use & click it again to stop it.

Pressing CTRL is more convenient since you only need to lift a finger when you want to stop skipping ^.^