Thank you for your patience. This was a pretty major bug and I'm glad you reported it in. The issue was that Items were using the Notetags from $dataSkills instead of $dataItems. This means that not only would using Items Clear and Fill States incorrectly and it would also cause a crash if you made an Item of an ID that was higher than the length of the $dataSkills array.
Please make the following edits to the function itemEffectAddNormalState and itemEffectRemoveState in the plugin file around line 1129:
This should ensure that both the Items are using their proper Notetags and that the crash doesn't happen for Items of a higher ID than the number of Skills. Please let me know if this resolves the issue or if there is need for further troubleshooting. We will make sure this fix goes into the next update for Souls Status Bars. Much appreciated :D
- Neel