The idea is very solid, in my opinion. I do think the game needed some time in the oven, tho. Found a bug where my character stands still and can't move, the gear spawning is very confusing. The game camera moves too much, which made me feel a headache in a few minutes, I would recommend making a threshold to move the camera only if the player leaves the central area, or maybe a fixed camera. In games with higher resolutions and slower cameras, it works fine, but in this specific situation it really feels clumky.
Screenshake would also help to make the game feel more satisfying, and more game juice would definitely benefit the experience. Changing the gun SFX and adding more particles that could slow down or accelerate to sell the ffect of hitting something would (in my opinion) greatly benefit the game. Also, currently, the game is at 64x64 but it renders at a higher resolution, which I wouldn't really comment on any other jam but in the LOWREZJAM it kind of loses the point of the res being the limiting factor.
I hope I'm not coming as too harsh here, because you made the game in 72 hours, and the 64x64 limitation is REALLY hard, I banged my head against the wall to figure out some simple stuff, like how I would make my camera (and I still think there's so much I could improve in my own project), but I do hope you consider some of the points I'm making for your next projects, good luck!!