Thank you so much a very detailed and long comment!
I agree that the camera is a bit annoying sometimes, it's hard to implement a good camera movement for a fast-paced game like this, not even factor in the restricted resolution on top of that. Initially I went with the fixed camera approach at first, but then I thought it would be hard for the player to dodge the enemies' attacks so I scratched it and decided to have the camera followed the player instead. But it definitely needs some more adjustments to be smooth.
As you said that the game was scaled up from the original 64x64 resolution was kind of lose the point of the jam, but there's a rule mentions that scaling the game window beyond 64x64 is allowed, as long as the actual resolution of 64x64 is maintained. I think you might miss that one, since it's written in the FAQ section at bottom of the jam overview page.
But again, thank you for your feedback on this silly game of mine! I'll definitely take some of your advices into account for my next projects, good luck to your submission as well.