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Great atmosphere, starting from the main menu. Inventory management is confusing but at the same time it is not, takes but a few seconds of experimentation to get used to. First play I was fighting skeleton archer for like full 2-3 minutes before getting owned, on second playthrough I referenced the item sheet and became badass with a crown and helbard, it sure regretted meeting me again. The main boss is too easy once you gear up, which was a bit of a letdown, but it was fun in overall, good job.

The boss got less love than the others. I think I would've made a different weapon set and maybe some custom mechanics like gaining 1 attack and defense each turn. I also wish I made the boss music myself. The music doesn't match the vibe I was going for. 

If I were to redo this not in a jam setting I would certainly invest in a tutorial lol. I'm glad you enjoyed the game and thank you for the feedback :)