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I'm absolutely blown away. This is something I'd expect to have taken weeks of work at least, and you did this in four days? Hats off to you, this is brilliant. Incredibly compelling characterization, the design of the elevator is horrifying and implies so much about a world where countries as disparate as Sweden and Brazil would join together to dig to the Earth's core. If Mark doesn't cover this in his post-jam video, he's making a mistake.


Thank you so much, happy you enjoyed it!! What took the longest was the narrative part and making sure the tone was right, but I'm very happy with how it turned out given the limited time.

You should be, it's amazing work!

Also, was there some sort of puzzle I missed with the metal boxes on the wall? It seemed like a setup for one, but I couldn't figure out if there was actually something there.


Mini mini spoilers: The keycards were spelling out the combination you had to enter using the four buttons under the bottom left monitor! If I had more time I would've made that part of the game a little more clear. Once the voting is over maybe :)

aaaaaah, I thought that was it but I couldn't see my cursor change to the pointing hand you get when you can interact with stuff when lookig at the buttons, so I didn't bother haha