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Hi again AFG! I wanted to play your game too, and I liked it a lot, specially the concept of automating resource generation and the decission between going for more hexagons or using the credits to upgrade your current ones. I only have two small nitpicks: I think this game would benefit more of  a more clear goal (reaching 1 million credits or something like that?) and automation should be more enjoyable: it felt a bit clunky having to pick the resource and only then the automate option, or having to do it again if you run out of energy.

Other than that, congratulations for creating a game so complex in so little time! if you want to keep working on this idea, think about creating options for sinergy between hexagons, like an upgrade that increases the production of x resorce of neighbour tiles (maybe there is some similar already, sorry if I missed it).

(1 edit)

Hola JAlcaldeM thanks for playing the game and your feedback!

 I think this game would benefit more of  a more clear goal

100%,  the time attack mode it was  like that with objectives to reach in a specific amount of time, but it was buggy so I ended  taking it out for the jam.

 automation should be more enjoyable: it felt a bit clunky having to pick the resource and only then the automate option, or having to do it again if you run out of energy.

Yes, it was the only part about the UI that I really dislike (well i forgot to deactivate the buy buttons of the upgrades once they are sold to hahaha)  is hella clunky as you say, the thing is I needed to be sure that the user could not interact with the polygons when they already have a task in progress and doint it with a boolean for the animation caused  problems so it was the easiest way to do it.

Think about creating options for sinergy between hexagons

Umm I like the idea, maybe if you have a cluster of several polygons producing the same you can get a bonus or something like that, I will give it some thougt.