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A member registered Jun 29, 2024 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Thank you for notifying this problem, this happens because the codification of special characters. I checked and only that particular text is affected, so I encourage you to continue playing and discover the rest of the story and mechanics! After the jam I will create a new build with bugfixes and other changes, so any feedback is welcome.


That is actually a very smart idea for a game! Space invaders but instead of dodging the projectiles you chase them like in Breakout. One of the planned upgrades for this game was the ability to reflect projectiles back to the enemies, but I ran out of time.

Yes, other players feel this way too. It will be taken into consideration for future games for sure.

I am so glad you liked it!!

Very cool! It seems that we both made a very similar game :) Another suggestion would be to use sprites with a format that allows alpha channel (for example .png) so that the black pixels of the explosions don't overlap other enemies or the boss.

Thank you!

Yes, balance could be improved with more time. The idea was that different upgrade combinations lead to different sinergies for the player to discover. Also, with only 7 different upgrades is relatively common to keep being offered the same ones, so with more options any "overpowered" combination would be diluted. Thanks for the feedback!

As others said, good game inspired by Papers Please. I would have loved to see some mechanical innovation, but the characters and other assets look very good. Good job!

Amazing, not only mechanically but also visually. With more options and some story, his could be expanded into a full game! Some small changes that could improve this game even more: the possibility of removing/changing places of things you built, and also being able fully navigate the game with keys (I needed to click to exit the settings menu). But these are only small details, the rest is incredibly good!

I love the art style for the animals! However I had some trouble with the camera (I couldn't go up). Other than that a solid autoclicker.

Very good game! The main mechanic feels very polished and has potential to be expanded further.

Fun little game! I think the shadows distract a little, and that adding some music and sound effects would make it more juicy. Other than that good job!

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I'm sorry to hear that. After some testing I found it happening when putting the game in fullscreen. This happens because the HTML version of the game is not 100% accurate, since this is my first time trying to make a game playable in browser. If you are experiencing problems, I recommend playing the downloadable version.

Edit: for the moment, the option to go fullscreen has been disabled.

Yes, I know that it can be a bit confusing, because the colors look very similar (the colors are tied to the enemies themselves). Maybe a small tip in the previous screen should clear that. Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks! The zucchini is one of (if not) the hardest foods to cut. A tip is to try to make a short cut to visualize the halves better.

Very enjoyable! However I would create some sort on end game condition, and put a max limit to the ingredients that give variable extra points without contact (cheese, chili, pineapple...) for obvious reasons.

This game is amazingly polished! The visuals, the sounds... everything is so satisfying. I also experienced the bug where you cannot unlock the next fruits, but after restarting the game it seems to allow playing those levels, even if visually they are still locked.

I love this art style, so polished for a jam so short!

Hi again AFG! I wanted to play your game too, and I liked it a lot, specially the concept of automating resource generation and the decission between going for more hexagons or using the credits to upgrade your current ones. I only have two small nitpicks: I think this game would benefit more of  a more clear goal (reaching 1 million credits or something like that?) and automation should be more enjoyable: it felt a bit clunky having to pick the resource and only then the automate option, or having to do it again if you run out of energy.

Other than that, congratulations for creating a game so complex in so little time! if you want to keep working on this idea, think about creating options for sinergy between hexagons, like an upgrade that increases the production of x resorce of neighbour tiles (maybe there is some similar already, sorry if I missed it).

Very nice! This concept has potential exploring different solutions to the same puzle (for example, in the last level you can shoot between the asteroids or use one of the planets to curve the ball (moon).

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Wow, it seems like we had almost the same idea!! I love your art style and the nice variety of items to cut.


Hi AFG! That bug probably has to do with the game launching in fullscreen directly (unfortunately I cannot test a solution because my mouse is usb wired). Other than that, I'm glad you enjoyed the game!

Thank you!

Thanks! I found that for short games players usually ignore instructions, so its better to learn through experimentation, even if is a bit harder. I'm happy you enjoyed it!

Hi! Unfortunately I am not been able to succesfully create web builds with LÖVE 2D yet. To play you can download the zip files and execute the .exe file.

Gracias! El problema con Löve 2D es que no tiene interfaz gráfica, por lo que hay que programarlo todo desde 0. Sin embargo, está muy bien para aprender. En concreto, recomiendo este curso:

Sí, intenté que fuese todo minimalista para ahorrar tiempo :) pero también para poner el foco sobre las mecánicas. Y la fuente se puede cambiar rápido. Gracias por el feedback!

Muchas gracias! Es cierto que no está todo explicado del todo porque son profesiones que se desbloquean durante la partida y no quería sobrecargar de info al jugador al principio. Como dices, los yunques (herreros) mejoran a los soldados dándoles armadura para que sobrevivan más tiempo, los médicos curan, y ambos necesitan su edificio para poder funcionar. Cuando se construye un edificio, se asigna al trabajo que más 'demanda' tenga (trabajadores sin hueco).

No soy muy fan de los juegos de puzle por su linealidad, pero este me ha parecido perfecto. La mecánica es simple, pero se expande con el paso de los niveles introduciendo más variedad constantemente, aunque sin abrumar (además, la forma en la que se enseñan es muy buena, con un nivel simple introductorio, y luego combinándola con otras). El arte, la música, los efectos... todo está increíblemente pulido. Y la dificultad es la justa para mantenerte enganchado sin que te atasques durante demasiado tiempo (se agradece la opción de poder continuar partida). En fin, un juego increíble!

Interesting idea, even if it looks a bit rough. Swapping between characters feels very good, since there is an element of risk/reward. Also, the objective of the game is not very clear: I started looking for things to eat like in Pac Man :). With more effort and mechanics could be a really great experience.

Como concepto es interesante ya que cada personaje tiene una función distinta en el equipo, pero es algo incómodo ir cambiando entre los 3. Quizás funcionaría mejor como un multijugador cooperativo.

Una pena lo del bug (a mi me ha pasado algo parecido, sé lo que se siente), porque creo que este es uno de los juegos con un concepto más interesante, especialmente con más tiempo para construir un sistema de comentarios de espectadores más robusto (por ejemplo, teniendo en cuenta el tiempo entre comentarios, el estilo de juego del jugador o incluso los finales ya conseguidos). Como pequeño apunte, estaría bien poder cambiar la sensibilidad ya que la noté algo elevada y se me hizo incómodo jugar, pero esto no tiene nada que ver con el concepto en sí y es fácil de implementar. Pero en general creo que la idea tiene bastante potencial para convertirse en un juego completo.

Increíble el trabajo que te tiene que haber llevado hacer un sistema de combate táctico en apenas unos días. Con más tiempo para meter más unidades, enemigos, etc... podría ser un juego completo muy interesante, tipo Into the Breach. Enhorabuena!

IMPORTANT: The uploaded build has a game-breaking bug. Please play this instead:

Un sistema de gestión de recursos muy bien ejecutado, de esos que te dan ganas de rejugarlo para hacerlo mejor.

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Vale, resulta que cuando subí la nueva versión no se guardó bien y se ha quedado la versión antigua con el bug. Muchas gracias por comentármelo, que si no está la versión mala y no me doy cuenta. Contactaré con los organizadores a ver si se puede arreglar.

Edit: para descargar la versión correcta del juego:

Merece la pena jugarlo solamente por la originalidad del medio empleado (sin entrar en spoilers) pero además me gusta el aura de misterio que rodea la historia y el lore. Una pequeña pega es que para ser un juego diseñado para ser rejugado varias veces, el texto y las transiciones son algo lentas y eso es un obstáculo para poder progresar. Aun así, el concepto es tan bueno que sigo queriendo jugarlo para conocer el final. Buen trabajo :)

Me encanta, está muy chulo. Habéis sabido adaptar bien a la temática de la jam un juego tipo Papers Please no solo en mecánicas sino también en humor, lo cual no es fácil. Y visualmente muy carismático, encaja con el tono del juego.