Once upon a time there was a game jammer who was rating games, like usual, they were picking games completely at random, and the dice decided it was time to play a curious game called "A Big Small Adventure". The game jammer ran the game, expecting yet another puzzle platformer, but was surprised to see a minuscule tale created lovingly by a grand team... Wait, that's not right... Let's do that again. The game jammer ran the game, expecting yet another puzzle platformer, but was surprised to see a grand tale created lovingly by a miniscule team.
As the game jammer continued playing the game, they realized that it had voice acting! "Very impressive" the game jammer thought to themselves. They loved every second of the game, giggling at the narrator narrate the wrong versions of the tale and enjoying the nice break the puzzles provided from the regular gameplay.
As the game came to an end, the game jammer thought to themselves "What a creative take on the theme this was" and left the game with a good rating and a comment that may be too meta for it's own good.