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A member registered Feb 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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I fear no man,
but that thing...


it scares me...

Another absolute classic by the all popular JADC

The gameply really oozes with INTUITIVENESS and IMMERSIVENES

This game's really gonna win an oscar

How does the ai and the increasing difficulty work? i'm curious

Neat concept, the startegy i went for was waiting until there was only one alien, then swapping and trying to survive. Idk if that was the intended way to play

I had a lot of trouble with the controls and was unable to finish the game, but that might be just me considering what the other commnents are saying

You can think the game "Video Editor's Toolkit"(https://patrickgh3.itch.io/video-editors-toolkit) for pointing me towards this game hehe

As for this game, everything felt a little clunky to me sadly, the story dialouge at the start of the game is a very nice touch tho

That is a  V E R Y  good point you're making with having run out of what levels I can make, it already wasn't easy to get it to just 5 levels.

If I’m ever turning this into a full game, I’m almost certainly going to have to introduce more mechanics as the player progresses if I want any chance of squeezing out enough content for a full game. Some ideas I had include chains and hinges (so that the level isn’t just a single solid piece) and portals that teleport the ball (even if it’s pinned)

Another thing I would probably do is encourage the player to swap pins (i.e. pressing space) as few times as possible, possibly with some sort of scoring system. To beat levels in as few swaps as possible, you have to plan things out and have a deep understanding of the puzzle, in other words, you have to properly  solve  the puzzle, whereas with unlimited swaps, you just kinda mess around until you get it. I was originally going to add a swap counter and the aforementioned systems to encourage players to keep it as low as possible, but didn’t end up doing so because of game jam time constraints among other things. However, you gave me the idea to do the next best thing and I updated the description on the game page, go check it out!

I love the idea, and the gameplay and visuals were quite neat

i think it still has a couple glitches tho

neat idea, presentation was a bit barebones but this is a game jam after all...
i made it a little challenge for myself to se how long i could fall for by rotating the level without hitting the ground

neat idea, tho all i really did was purchase only fish tys and released them all at once, which made winning quite tirvial

The presentation is qute nice tho

I don't undertand what's i'm supposed to be doing or what's supposed to be happening

Amazing game, sadly i didn't get to enjoy it  much since i'm terrible at rubik's cubes, but that't a me problem

i love how intuitive the controls are, i think you did an extremely good job on that regard

i like the interpretation of the theme, and the idea of dragging dialogue options and objects into the box is very interesting
saldy i played on the browser version and the game crashed :(

questionable how it fits the theme, and it felt a little slow and clunky to play, at least to me

the idea of programming things with an actual code editor is neat tho

i didn't enjoy this very much sadly, i found the puzzles too slow and unsatisfying to solve, but that could be just me considering what the other comments are saying

 also the fact that you have to be male to be able to operate machinery is a little questionable...

 I will say i really liked the idea for the story, i think it's a very good and creative interpretation of the theme

Neat game, tho it's a little tiring having to rewatch the whole thing to see the different endings

tho it did give me a good chuckle

I love how you actually have to make the guard scared

This made me audibly laugh

(1 edit)

I took me way too long (more than 40 shots) to figure out you have to hit the green computer on one of the levels...
aside from that, a m a z i n g  game, i loved everything about it!

you even had time to implement keeping track of shots and a par count for ever level, something i wanted to do in my game but ended up leaving out since i was too concenred with polish

Couldn't beat level nine :(
Tho there was a weird thing that hapened in that level where i got teleported twice in the same turn, could that be a bug?

Aside from that, and the fact that i kept losing due to pressing the wrong arrow key (tho that's probably just my skill issue) amazing game, 5 stars

A bit questionable how it fits the theme... but hey, i'll take it. the concept is unique.

Not the biggest fan of the controls tho.

I will say I like how the game has a lot of elemnets and things you have to worry about (the player's position within the ball, the ball's position within the palform, the enimes in the ball, the enimies in the plattform, etc...) yet it still manages to be a game that's easy and intuitive to understand.

Like the other people in the comments, i did find the game difficult, i kept falling off the plattfom. But by being veeery gentle on the controls i did manage to win :)

I see a lot of people complaining about the controls, I didn't like the myself either sadly.

If I had to guess why, I’d say it's because most driving games don't control at all like this, left and right usually just turn the car counterclockwise and clockwise (respectively), no matter the orientation of the car relative to the camera.

I guess because of this, going against what everyone is accustomed to just makes the controls harder to get used to, making people dislike them.

If I were you, I’d just go for a traditional driving game control scheme, I don't see how controls like the ones you made add anything to the gameplay, in fact, I think they take away from the game feel.

Keep in mind I’m not at all an expert and this is just what I think, I’m only saying this because I saw you wanted feedback on the other comments.

i love how you used emojis for expressions

I loved this little game, i don't have much to say about it, it's just a good and well executed idea

interesting concept, but what i ended up doing was juts getting to the end of the level with one chracter, then switching once and reching the end with the other characer separateley

I foud the game a little too easy sadly

didn't work for me on chrome, but it did work on edge, no audio tho

(2 edits)

i love the touch of being able to actually watch the video, and the puzzle mechanics themeslves were quite neat

and the fact that it uses actual jam entries is insane

this is one of my favourite submissions

oh the game seems to glitch, the border control says "can you spell out your" and then the text box dissapears, softlocking the game, i tried twice and it happened both times

oh, i guess i was confused since Akechi's passport uses the expirery date for it's code

This is just as hard as the original flappy bird, nice!

Great visuals!
but no matter what i try i can't seem to get the passport code to be valid,
i think the format is LB (for lizetbourg), followed by the expiery date, followed by the first 3 letters of the name.
am i getting something wrong?

i did reload after the softlock, but it didn't save my progress sadly

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meme sounds effects...

PS: Is there a sond effect for getting a 5 fruit combo? i'm not skilled enough to find out for myself :(

amaizing game, great concept, great execution, great presentation, sadly the game soflock after a level transition preventing me from prgressing :(

kyler walking into the recording session smh

I tried to play but i was confused as to what to do :(

I couldn't finish the game sadly, the boulder was too hard to control for me and i got stuck in a level :(

Love what you did with the music! (like everyone else, it seems)

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How did you make a wroking multiplayer game with dedicated servers in just 3 days?!