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Hello, I tried the game for a little bit. My profile is of an expert player of 2D platformers and above average in 3D. 

Here is my bit of advice:

  • Add a shadow to the feet of the character. Don't think in art terms but in gameplay: any platformer requires mandatorily know where you are going to land.
  • Moving platforms should move you too if you are stepping on them.
  • I agree with the problem of the camera that Gelgavish said. It's hard to undestand where the character is going to move.
  • Character feels floaty.
  • I got stuck in a wall due to a bad jump. I had to move in a different direction for it to start falling.

My advice is to place your efforts in the collisions for now. The character doesn't slide down hills, doesn't follow the physics of the platforms and gets stuck on the walls. By doing all this and having the shadow to help the players to position themselves in the 3D space, it will improve a lot, trust me ;)

Thank you for your feedback, I'll put my best effords on fixing the collision issues. Never thought of adding a shadow for the landing, seems like a good idea, I'll see what i can do about that. 

(2 edits)

Hi! I made a Camera Beta where you can test different camera angles, if you'd be interested in trying it and giving your input. I'm sorry if this is too bothersome. Also if you end up trying it the current controls are going to change, but currently they are sh*t, so i'm sorry about that too.

The Game file is the CameraOptionsBeta one.

Additional changes:

  • collision fixes
  • a bit less floaty character
  • dunno if the shadows help but the angle of the lighting changed
  • also the camera options are only on the 1 stage.

Thank  you in advance, your input helps me make the game better.

ps. Full demo should be out on 31.12