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It was not my intention to give you the feeling I had "roasted" your game, sorry. I always try to be honest and include suggestions for improvement because I for me feedback I can build upon is more valuable than a general "liked it" or "didn't like it".

So thanks for your feedback on the assets, and I read you find the game boring. (I'm not thrilled either, so no hard feelings.) Is there something in particular that would improve it for you?

Well, since you're asking for improvement suggestions, I'd say music might help. Also a greater diversity of features. Your game has literally two features. Speed up and slow down. Giving the player some sort of motive or incentive would also help (like explaining why we're driving the car, or having a collectible item, or rewarding the player with more than a speedup animation upon level completion etc. etc.).

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind for an upgraded version.