So I played and won a 6-curses run.
-Curse 1: Doesn't change much, as it is only one shield when there is 20+ enemies in one battle.
-Curse 2: Makes stalling out big threats with cheap creatures way more dangerous.
-Curse 3: Makes shop less interesting to visit. I would say I visited one less shop on average.
-Curse 4: Harder bosses are welcomed.
-Curse 5: Having only one item per crew prevent stacking a bunch of buffs on one powerful creature and makes the game less confusing.
-Curse 6: I didn't let enemies merge very often, so it wasn't at all a big deal.
More random thoughts:
-I tried using the wheel during card choices, it helps but you still don't have a view of the whole battlefield.
-A auto-save feature would be nice to add at some point. (But I'm sure you are already working on it)
-There should definitively be a score multiplier for cursed runs
-The crab is surprisingly better than I imagined
-The waiter and cheap heal in general as well.
-I have yet to find a card that makes me want to play rats.
-Confused and shielded enemies should lose their confused/shield icon after the effect has expired.
-The game managed to drain 80% of the battery of my laptop in 40 minutes, there may be some optimisation needed.
-Enemies' UI isn't big enough for enemies with 10/10 or more stats
-The stunned animation seem to be missing when an enemy is stunned more than once.